Categories: Announcements Date: Jul 11, 2023 Title: Continuing Legal Education Presented by John Sommer
The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents Continuing Legal Education (CLE): What I Learned from Arguing in the Supreme Court and in 30 Years of Practice: Suggestions for Success as an Associate, as a Partner, and in Life Presented by John Sommer Friday, July 21, 2023 from 3:30-4:30PM ET In Mr. Sommer’s interesting career, from associate at the world’s largest law firm, to a partner, to solo practitioner and ultimately in-house as general counsel and business executive, he has learned many lessons for success. Equally important, he has made and seen mistakes that offer guidance as to what to avoid. Through war stories and thought-provoking comments, he offers insights to success in law, and more importantly, in life. *No other time is authorized for this event* VA CLE credit has been applied for and is currently pending approval. If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at PTOS CLE What I Learned from Arguing in the Supreme Court and in 30 Years of Practice July 21st from 3:30pm-4:40pm Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 256 599 952 788 Passcode: SMUqos Or call in (audio only) +1 540-566-5633,,491430792# United States, Roanoke Phone Conference ID: 491 430 792#