Categories: Announcements Date: Jan 11, 2024 Title: PTOS CLE - AI for Drug Discovery: A New Frontier for Patent Law
The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents Continuing Legal Education (CLE):
AI for Drug Discovery: A New Frontier for Patent Law
Presented by Matthew Chun
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 from 3-4PM ET
Please join us as we learn about the growing use of AI in drug discovery and some of the challenges for Patent Law posed by the use of AI in drug discovery.
Matthew Chun is a Patent Agent at Fish & Richardson, a leading intellectual property law firm, joining the firm in 2017. Dr. Chun is licensed to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and primarily specializes in obtaining patents for clients ranging from multinational technology companies to solo inventors with a particular focus on artificial intelligence/machine learning, medical devices, and robotics.
Dr. Chun is also a 3L student at Harvard Law School where he is managing editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology and a former student fellow at the Petrie Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics. Prior to law school, he attended the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, completing his PhD/DPhil in engineering science. Working at the University of Oxford’s Computational Health Informatics Laboratory and the Nuffield Department of Population Health, Dr. Chun’s research focused on utilizing machine learning approaches for assessing stroke risk in a contemporary Chinese cohort of 0.5 million individuals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Chun contributed to the United Kingdom’s pandemic response as a health data analyst for the Alan Turing Institute’s DECOVID initiative. Dr. Chun also holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering from MIT with a minor in management science.
*No other time is authorized for this event*
VA CLE credit has been applied for and is currently pending approval.
If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at
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