Categories: Announcements
      Date: Jul 25, 2012
     Title: PTOS Trivia Contest

Patent and Trademark Office Society Trivia Contest Summer 2012

Sponsored by the Historic Display Committee of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 

To celebrate our new satellite office in Detroit, here are few trivia questions about where we’ve been in the past.

1.  Before moving to Crystal City, what building housed the Patent Office for most of the 1930s to the 1960s?
2.  What is currently located in the “Old Patent Office Building” (our home from the 1840s to the 1930s)
3.  During WWII, to what city was the majority of the office moved?
4.  What other Patent Office also existing in the city of question 3 during a different war?

Please submit your entry via email to  The person who answers the most questions correctly wins a pair of movie passes and the coveted title of trivia genius.  In case of a tie, a random drawing will determine the winner.  Entries due by August 24, 2012.  Winner and answers will be announced the following week on the Historic Display Committee webpage at
