Categories: Announcements
      Date: Jan 30, 2008
     Title: PTOS Legislative Committee Event


1. Interested in the progress of the new Claims & Continuations Rules?
2. Interested in watching a real-life court proceeding?
3. Someone who gets really excited about the intersection of administrative law, civil procedure, and substantive patent law?

If you answered yes to one of the above, you may be interested in joining the PTOS Legislative Committee in observing arguments (summary judgment) in the Tafas/GSK v. Dudas case (i.e. the “Claims & Continuation injunction case”).  The PTOS Legislative Committee will meet Thursday, February 7, at 12 PM in the cafeteria (bring a lunch) to discuss the case and what will happen at the hearing. Friday morning, February 8, those interested will attend the hearing at the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (right next to the PTO).

Contact Daniel McCracken, PTOS Legislative Chair, to RSVP or get more info (2-6537,
