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15 January 2025

BYOM Bring Your Own Mug

Date: 15 January 2025 13:00 to 14:00
Details: Please join us for coffee, tea, and light refreshments in the Jefferson Conference Center

The Illogical Art of Logic Games

Date: 15 January 2025 14:00 to 15:00

PTOS Education Committee presents:
“The Illogical Art of Logic Games”
Benjamin Orlin
Writer and Professor of Mathematics, Saint Paul College

Wednesday, January 15th, 2–3 p.m. ET

In our speaker’s words,
“A decade ago, at a math department picnic, I stumbled across a game of Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. Since then, logic games have slowly taken over my life. What makes a game tick? Why do some rulesets blossom, while others collapse? I sure as heck don't have definitive answers. But I can share some inklings -- and, by way of illustration, some beautiful games.”

Ben Orlin is the author of Math with Bad Drawings (as well as the blog of the same name), Change is the Only Constant, Math Games With Bad Drawings (as well as its companion game box edition), and Math for English Majors. His writing on math and education has appeared in The Atlantic, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, Slate, Vox, and Popular Science. He has taught middle and high school mathematics and has spoken about math and education at colleges and universities across the United States. He lives with his wife and two daughters in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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If you have questions, please contact Brian or Cathy.

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