

What: A terrarium and plant care class where you build your own tiny world in a glass terrarium container. You'll have fun playing in the dirt and learning about tropical and fern care. When: Monday, March 3 from 4-6 pm Where: Rocky Mountain Regional Office, 1961 Stout Street, 15th floor conference room Who: PTOS members How: Register by Feb 20th HERE for $20 Questions: Ask Allison Bourke


The Patent and Trademark Office Society appreciates the hard work of our members.

Let us deliver a pizza to you!

PTOS members can have a large 1 topping Domino’s pizza delivered* for $5. The pizza will be delivered between approximately 5-7pm local time on Sunday, March 9, 2025. The $5 fee is all-inclusive and includes the cost of the pizza, taxes, service/delivery fees, and driver gratuity.

Order here.

Order must be made and paid for by 2/28/2025 1:00 pm EST. No exceptions. One discounted pizza per member while supplies last.

One additional pizza may be purchased at the full price of $25. Please make sure that the address and phone number matches the address you would like the pizza to be delivered to. Topping selection(s) will be made during the checkout process.

*Due to delivery restrictions, Domino's may not be able to deliver to certain addresses. If this is the case you will be notified and your order will be refunded.


THE PTOS NATIONAL ANNUAL MEETING · virtually & Jefferson Conference Center · Thursday, February 20th at 12:00-12:30 PM ET · Exclusively for PTOS Members ·

Come together to celebrate another fantastic year of PTOS nationwide. The annual meeting will acknowledge the contributions of our volunteers, highlight our longstanding members, and recognize outstanding individuals in our organization.

Link for Internal USPTO Attendees No other time has been authorized.





· virtually & Jefferson Conference Center ·

Tuesday, February 11th at 2:00-3:00 PM
· Exclusively for PTOS Members ·

Come together to celebrate another fantastic year of PTOS nationwide.
The annual meeting will acknowledge the contributions of our volunteers, highlight our longstanding members, and recognize outstanding individuals in our organization. Join us in looking back on 2024, hear from PTOS leadership, and learn about innovation in biomaterials from our keynote speaker Dr. Adam Jakus.

Featuring Dr. Adam Jakus We are excited to hear from our keynote speaker regarding his contributions to the field of biomaterials and therapeutics. Named in Georgia Tech’s 2024 “Forty Under Forty”, Dr. Jakus currently serves as the founding CEO of the biotech and biofabrication consulting firm BioThera3 Advising & Consulting.

Link for Internal USPTO Attendees
No other time has been authorized.


Join the PTOS Board Game Club
for a night of in-person board games


FEBRUARY 5TH, 2025 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET

·recurring monthly - 1st Wednesdays·


contact: or


· 2429 Mandeville Lane · Alexandria, VA 22332·

Wednesday, January 29th at 5:00-7:00 PM

One free drink ticket – for PTOS members only*
· option to redeem for One Drink + 2 Slices of Pizza ·

Welcome New Examiners in the January PTA Class!
*As a welcome to the USPTO, individuals in the January PTA class
may attend this event and receive the listed “member” benefit,
with no obligation to sign-up.

contact: Shelby Turner


Central Virginia Happy Hour!

Come join us at the Glass Half Full Taproom at
Alamo Drafthouse on Friday, January 31, from 5-7!

375 Merchant Walk Square, Charlottesville VA 22902

Members enjoy a beverage on PTOS!

Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.

Contact Luther for information about this event:

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR
please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


Subject: JPTOS Job Announcement: Financial Director Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society

Financial Director
By requirement of Article VII, Section 2(i) of the Society Constitution, Article III, Sections 4 and 5 of the By Laws and Article VII of the Standing Rules of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society (JPTOS), a vacancy is announced to all active members of the Society in the position of Financial Director of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society.

• The Financial Director must be an active member of the Society.
• Demonstrated skill set to perform the duties as noted below.
• Two years managerial experience or equivalent combination of education and experience is preferred.
• Business degree preferred.
• Responsibilities will require attending monthly JPTOS Board of Governors meetings

• The Financial Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day financial operations of the Journal, handling the books, paying the bills, collecting and forwarding all monies to and from the Treasurer including the monthly appropriation, responsible for payroll activities which primarily involves acting as a liaison with the third party payroll company that manages The Journal’s employees’ salaries.

• The Financial Director also prepares an annual budget for the Board of Governors and presents the Journal Budget to the Society Board. The Financial Director is also jointly responsible for supervision of the subscription staff, research to improve existing contracts and equipment, and knowledge of the standing rules and by-laws of the Journal.

• The Financial Director shall serve as a member of the Board of Governors but shall not have a vote on any measure affecting his or her compensation except for the Journal annual budget; shall serve as a member of the Society Budget and Finance Committee; shall provide monthly reports as set forth in the Standing Rules; and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Governors.

• In addition, the Financial Director will manage advertiser accounts including providing quotes for advertising space, invoicing advertisers and accepting, proofing, formatting advertisements and ensuring the proper ads get placed in each issue. The Financial Director shall also review web traffic data to determine successful advertisement campaigns and communicating findings to advertisers.

• Additional joint responsibilities include receiving and enter new membership applications into membership database, invoicing existing members and receiving and applying renewal payments, and canceling memberships for nonpayment or upon request.

• The Financial Director shall gather and organize data and documents for annual tax filings, postal filings, and various other legal filings as well as manage and keep up to date on all relevant copyright permissions and approvals.

• All applicants must submit their qualifications statement.
• A personal interview conducted by the Board of Governors may be required.
• This position will be filled by majority vote of the Board of Governors with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors of the Society.



Joshua Schwartz, Executive Director JPTOS
(571) 270-7494

DEADLINE -- 5:00 PM on January 17, 2025


TRIVIA NIGHT @ Lost Boy Cider

Tuesday, January 14th @ 4:30-7:00pm



One free drink ticket - for PTOS members only

contact: -OR-


Washington Capitals v. Ottawa Senators
MONDAY, MARCH 3, 2025 AT 6:30 PM

Cost: $102 per game ticket
& access to the Devils Backbone Lounge for Food & Drink
Ticket includes a food voucher redeemable in the Devils Backbone Lounge
Unlimited draft beer, wine & soft drinks within the Devils Backbone Lounge*
(*Starting 1 hour prior to faceoff through the end of the 2nd intermission)

Purchase Tickets Here
Limit 4 tickets per member ~ seats are located in Sections 401/402, Rows K-M
Tickets will be distributed via email prior to the event

contact: – or –


· 112 King Street · Alexandria VA ·

Tuesday, December 17th at 4:00-6:00 PM
· Best Crazy Holiday Sweater Requested ·

2 drink tickets & limited, light appetizers – Members Only
· Appetizers are first come-first serve, while supplies last·

Non-members may sign-up at the event



Patent and Trademark Office Society



Columbus, Ohio May 10-16, 2025 Each year, the PTOS provides judges for this event as a public relations gesture, to promote knowledge of patents, and encourage innovation and scientific progress by today’s youth. Find detailed information about ISEF at Application forms to be an ISEF SPECIAL AWARD ORGANIZATION JUDGE is posted for PTOS members at and also available from:

ALAN CHEN 571-272-4143 JULIE ANNE WATKO KNX 8A75 571-272-7597

Applications to be an ISEF SPECIAL AWARD ORGANIZATION JUDGE must be turned in to ALAN CHEN or JULIE ANNE WATKO by: 12pm EST on JANUARY 10, 2025


The judging team selected will represent the PTOS. The judges will choose one Grand Prize winner, and several First Place award winners from over 1800 finalist entries originating from over 75 nations worldwide. Each selected judge will gain experience by organizing volunteers for regional science fairs judged by PTOS.

Dedicated to the improvement and appreciation of the United States Patent & Trademark Systems


PTOS Education Committee presents:
“The Illogical Art of Logic Games”
Benjamin Orlin
Writer and Professor of Mathematics, Saint Paul College

Wednesday, January 15th, 2–3 p.m. ET

In our speaker’s words,
“A decade ago, at a math department picnic, I stumbled across a game of Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. Since then, logic games have slowly taken over my life. What makes a game tick? Why do some rulesets blossom, while others collapse? I sure as heck don't have definitive answers. But I can share some inklings -- and, by way of illustration, some beautiful games.”

Ben Orlin is the author of Math with Bad Drawings (as well as the blog of the same name), Change is the Only Constant, Math Games With Bad Drawings (as well as its companion game box edition), and Math for English Majors. His writing on math and education has appeared in The Atlantic, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, Slate, Vox, and Popular Science. He has taught middle and high school mathematics and has spoken about math and education at colleges and universities across the United States. He lives with his wife and two daughters in St. Paul, Minnesota.

No Other Time is available for this event.
If you have questions, please contact Brian or Cathy.

Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 285 009 193 264
Passcode: Ub3XN7tH

Dial in by phone
+1 540-566-5633,,361420577# United States, Roanoke
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 361 420 577#


Join the expanded PTOS Board of Directors!

Turn in your nominating petition form between Nov 25th-Dec 6th (3 PM E.T.) and your name will be placed on the ballot for the 2025 election.

Nominations will be accepted for the following positions:

Positions for which all PTOS members are eligible:

Vice President
At Large Representative (10 positions available)

Busness Unit Representatives - Candidates must work within the respective business unit.

TC 1600, 1700, 2100, 2400, 2600, 2800, 2900, 3600, 3700 (2 from each TC – 18 total positions)
Patents, Non-TC/PTAB (2 positions)
Trademarks/TTAB (2 positions)
Offices of EEOD/PIA/CAO/CCO/CFO/CIO/GC/US/PE/All Others (2 positions)

Regional Representative Positions – Candidates must live within the respective Region
Find your Region Here:

Northeast Region which includes ME VT NH MA RI CT NY NJ PA MD DE DC VA WV NC SC GA FL PR (1 position)
Midwest Region which includes MN IA MO WI IL MI IN KY OH (1 position)
Rocky Mountain Region which includes ID UT MT WY CO ND SD NE KS (1 position)
Southwest Region which includes NM TX OK AR LA MS TN AL (1 position)
Western Region which includes WA OR CA NV AZ AK HI (1 position)

Visit to get your nominating petition form and for guidelines on obtaining signatures.

Completed forms must be submitted to by 3:00PM E.T. on Dec 6, 2024.

Note: PTOS Board members cannot concurrently hold office in an organization that has collective bargaining rights with the USPTO, nor can Board members concurrently act on behalf of the USPTO in collective bargaining with such organizations (See Article V, Sec. 4(a) of the PTOS Constitution for full text of rule).
While you may use USPTO email to collect nomination signatures (see guidelines at, USPTO email may not be used for campaigning. Violations of election bylaws can be confidentially reported to the Election Committee at
You may submit campaign material (e.g. a flyer or a short bio with information about yourself, your history of service with PTOS, and how you envision serving the Society while in office) along with your petition form. Your material will be posted on the Election Committee page of the PTOS website. Campaign material will be accepted for posting until 3:00 PM E.T. on Dec 30, 2024.

Voting will take place from Jan 13th-15th, 2025.


(Bring Your Own Mug)

Please join us for coffee, tea and
light refreshments in the
Jefferson Conference Center

November 6 1pm December 4 9 am
January 15 1pm February 12 9 am
March 12 1pm April 9 9 am
May 7 1pm June 4 9 am
July 16 1pm August 13 9 am
September 10 1pm October 8 9 am


PTOS Financial Planning and Insurance Talks:

Building your future: Saving for retirement

How do you envision your retirement? Where will you live? How do you want to spend your time? And perhaps you are asking this very important question: How will you cover your retirement expenses?

Although at times it can feel overwhelming, it’s never too early to start thinking about your retirement strategy. We’ll cover:

- Risks to your retirement income and why it is important to save
- How to jumpstart saving
- Strategies to reach your goals

Wednesday, 11/20/2024 from 12-1 p.m.
All are invited!

Attend by phone
Join on your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+1 540-566-5633,,279471863#
Phone conference ID: 279 471 863#

Hosted by: Education Committee.
For questions, please email Angela Nguyen and Robert Morlan.

Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member at

Send membership questions to



PTOS KIDS & CHEMISTRY is seeking volunteers to lead and assist with an event in Alexandria, VA

Organization: Trail Life USA
Date: Friday November 15, 2024
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm (ET)
Location: St. Louis Catholic School
2901 Popkins Lane, Alexandria VA 22306

Volunteers are needed for a group of up to 40 kindergarten - 3rd grade boys
Activity: Time for Slime!
slime-activity.pdf (

Volunteers are needed for a group of up to 30 4th grade - 7th grade boys
Activity: CO2 to the Rescue

No Experience Necessary

For more information or if interested, please contact PTOS Kids & Chemistry Chair:
Curtis Mayes: Curtis.Mayes@USPTO.GOV
Phone: 571-272-1234

Kids&Chemistry Trail Life USA Event interest meeting
Date: Wednesday October 30, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm (ET)

Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 211 593 404 887
Passcode: AT7GmK

Dial in by phone
+1 540-566-5633,,668627444# United States, Roanoke
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 668 627 444#



PTOS KIDS & CHEMISTRY is seeking volunteers to lead and assist with an event in Alexandria, VA

Organization: Trail Life USA
Date: Friday November 15, 2024
Time: 5:30-7:30 pm (ET)
Location: St. Louis Catholic School
2901 Popkins Lane, Alexandria VA 22306

Volunteers are needed for a group of up to 40 kindergarten - 3rd grade boys
Activity: Time for Slime!
slime-activity.pdf (

Volunteers are needed for a group of up to 30 4th grade - 7th grade boys
Activity: CO2 to the Rescue

No Experience Necessary

For more information or if interested, please contact PTOS Kids & Chemistry Chair:
Curtis Mayes: Curtis.Mayes@USPTO.GOV
Phone: 571-272-1234

Kids&Chemistry Trail Life USA Event interest meeting
Date: Wednesday October 30, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm (ET)

Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 211 593 404 887
Passcode: AT7GmK

Dial in by phone
+1 540-566-5633,,668627444# United States, Roanoke
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 668 627 444#


PTOS Hoteller Outreach Committee

Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour!

Come join us at South Street Brewery on Friday, October 25, from 5 – 7pm!

106 South Street West, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! (members only)

Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.

Contact Luther for information about this event:

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR
please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


· 301 John Carlyle St, Alexandria, VA 22314 ·

NOVEMBER 21ST 2024 @ 4:00-6:00 PM ET


contact: Anna Pagonakis -or- Ryan Barrett


PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR
please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


PTOS AIPLA Happy Hour at The Public House at National Harbor

Thursday October 24, 2024 from 5:00PM-7:00PM EDT

Public House at National Harbor, 199 Fleet St, Oxon Hill, MD 20745 (Map at the end of the email).
Within a 5 minute walk from the Gaylord Convention Center where the AIPLA Annual Meeting is being held. The happy hour will also have free swag and print copies of The Journal of The Patent and Trademark Office Society

What will be provided?
Up to one drink per PTOS Society member.

What if I’m not a PTOS member?
You can sign up to be a PTOS member at the event in-person or prior to event by emailing or clicking here .:: Patent & Trademark Office Society ::. - Membership Types (

Questions? Contact Joshua Schwartz ( or David Lotter (
Membership questions? Contact

This happy hour is a collaboration between PTOS and the newly formed USPTO Alumni Association.

Membership to the Alumni Association is open to all former USPTO employees. Joining is easy, just submit a request to our Facebook or LinkedIn page. Questions can be sent to .

Alumni can join PTOS as Associate Members. Details can be found on the PTOS membership page.


Wednesday, October 23 5:30 - 7 PM

PTOS Members who arrive by 6 PM receive an 18-hole game

Urban Putt
201 S. Second St, Suite 150
(Entrance on 1st St)
San Jose, CA 95113

Non-members may sign up at the event

Questions to


PTOS Hoteller Outreach Committee

Seattle, Washington Happy Hour!

Join us at Tapster
Friday, October 18th, 5:30‐8:00 pm!

1011 Valley St, Seattle, WA 98109

Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! (members only)

Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.

Contact Blake or Jenn for information about this event:

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR
please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


PTOS Happy Hour Tempe, Arizona
Join us at Four Peaks
1340 E 8th St, Tempe, AZ 85281
Wednesday October 9th from 5:00 to 7:00

PTOS Members Will Receive One Free Drink
Non-Members can sigh up for membership at the event
If you have any questions contact Ryan Clark
PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


· 400 Courthouse Square · Alexandria · 22314 ·

Thursday, November 7th at 6:00-10:00 PM
· Formal Attire Requested ·

RSVP By October 14th - Purchase Here

$80.00 per person ~ available to members* only
· includes dinner & open bar between 6:00-8:00pm ·
*members may purchase one additional guest ticket

Dinner Selection Required in RSVP

Dinner will be served at 7:00 pm
· attendees must check in from 6-6:45 PM ·

contact: Anna Pagonakis -or- Shelby Turner


PTOS Hoteller Outreach Committee

New Hampshire – PTOS Happy Hour!

Come join us at Hermanos
11 Hills Ave, Concord, NH
on Friday, October 11, from 5:00 – 7 pm!

Enjoy an appetizer on PTOS! (members only)

Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.

Contact Thad or Jay for information about this event: or

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR
please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.

FY2025 Happy Hour - Alexandria OKTOBERFEST OCTOBER 7 FROM 4-7PM CLARA BARTON AUDITORIUM Free Entry and Free Refreshments for members **Bring your card for speedy entry** Questions regarding this event - please contact,,

PTOS Presents: Ice Cream Social Break @ The Little Man Ice Cream Factory
When: 9/25 4:30-6:30pm
Where: Little Man Ice Cream Factory 4411 W Colfax Ave Denver Co 80204
What: Ice Cream scoops paid for by PTOS

FY2025 Oktoberfest October 7th from 4-7PM EST CLARA BARTON AUDITORIUM Free Entry and Free Refreshments for members -Bring your card for speedy entry Questions regarding this event, please contact:,,

PTOS Hoteller Outreach Committee

Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour!

Come join us at Decipher Brewing Co. on Friday, September 13, from 5pm – 7pm!

1740 Broadway St, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! (members only)

Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.

Contact Luther for information about this event:

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR
please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


PTOS Hoteller Outreach Committee

Orange County, CA Happy Hour!
Come join us at Islands on Wednesday,
October 2nd from 5-7!

1380 Bison Ave, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! (members only)

Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.

Contact Ari for information about this event:

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR
please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


PTOS Hoteller Outreach Committee

Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour! Come join us at SuperFly Brewing Co. on Friday, August 30th from 5-7!

943 Preston Ave Suite 2, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! (members only)

Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Luther for information about this event:

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


The PTOS Education Committee invites you to:
R.I.S.E To Your Why
Presented by Len Tran
Thursday, September 12 from 4-5pm ET

Have you ever felt like you're capable of so much more, but the obstacles just seem too daunting to overcome?

In this powerful and inspiring talk, "R.I.S.E. to Your Why," you'll discover how to unlock your true potential and achieve the goals that matter most to you. Through a captivating personal narrative, you'll explore the common struggles we all face when trying to realize our deepest purposes and ambitions. But more importantly, you'll learn a transformative framework - the R.I.S.E. method - that will empower you to break through those barriers and make your dreams a reality.

Packed with real-life success stories and practical strategies, this speech will ignite a renewed sense of motivation and determination within you. You'll leave feeling inspired to reflect on your "why," ignite your inner drive, strategize your path forward, and execute your plan with unwavering discipline. Get ready to R.I.S.E. and unleash the full force of your potential.

Len Tran is a Supervisory Patent Examiner in Technology Center 3700 at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Prior to joining the USPTO in July 2000, he was a process engineer at the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, where he oversaw the 14 wastewater treatment plants serving the city. A dedicated martial artist for 40 years, Len is a respected instructor of Okinawan karate, passing on the discipline, techniques, and philosophy of this centuries-old practice to his students. His expertise in the martial arts is matched by his talent as a public speaker Len is a four-time Toastmasters International District 29 champion for his inspirational and captivating speeches. In addition to his accomplishments in the PTO and the dojo, Len is also an accomplished author. He has published two books - the non-fictional novel "Split Up by the Sea" and the self-help book "Break the Bricks: Break Through to Find the Real You" - showcasing his versatility as a writer. Throughout his diverse career and wide-ranging pursuits, Len Tran has consistently demonstrated remarkable ability and expertise. His dedication, passion, and inspirational spirit have made him a respected and admired figure in his professional and personal communities.

No Other Time is available for this event.
If you have questions, please contact Cathy or Anne

Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 249 091 706 017
Passcode: Wf23jt

Dial in by phone
+1 540-566-5633,,110385229# United States, Roanoke
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 110 385 229#

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.

Honolulu, HI Happy Hour! Come join us at Bevy Hawaii on Thursday, Aug 22, from 5-7! 675 Auahi St. Honolulu, HI Enjoy a drink on PTOS (members only) Non-members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Jamie for info about this event: PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.

· 2429 Mandeville Lane · Alexandria, VA 22332·

Tuesday, August 27th at 5:00-7:00 PM

One free drink ticket – for PTOS members only
· outdoor seating available ·

contact: Shelby Turner -or- Robert Hodge


Join the PTOS Board Game Club
for a night of in-person board games

SEPTEMBER 4TH, 2024 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET
·recurring monthly - 1st Wednesdays·


contact: or


When: Thursday, October 3rd from 6-9 pm MT
Where: Wynkoop Brewing Company, 1634 18th Street, Denver, CO 80202
What: 10th Anniversary Party – drinks, dinner (BBQ), door prizes for members, raffles for members
How: Purchase ticket(s) HERE by Wednesday, Sept 18th, $50 per member and members may purchase one additional guest ticket
Questions: Please contact Allison Bourke


PTOS Denver August Happy Hour
When: Monday, August 26th from 4:00 to 6:00 PM MT
Where: The Broken Cage (2420 17th St. #103, Denver, CO 80238)
What: Happy hour – one free happy hour drink for PTOS members.

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please
contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.
Questions about the event? Contact
Membership questions? Contact


Join PTOS for a night at the free Sunset Cinema Transit Pier at The Wharf 970 Wharf Street NW, Washington DC 20024 Thursday August 22, 2024 Movie begins at 7:30 PM. Bring your own blankets. We will provide movie snacks. Questions? Contact Becky Eisenberg ( ; 0-5879)


“Nostalgia for the 80s repacked to Gen Z” PTOS SEE Trip Welcome Happy Hour Wednesday, August 14th 6:00-7:00 PM

PTOS Members entitled to one drink with shared appetizers

Miniboss 52 E. Santa Clara St San Jose, CA 95113

Non-members may sign up at the event*

Questions to PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.


Attention all PTOS members! Are you interested in a Practicing Law Institute (PLI) Membership for access to CLE courses approved in all 46 states requiring CLE? (see the survey highlighted below)

The Practicing Law Institute (PLI) has agreed to offer their membership at a significant discount if we have 100+ people purchasing the membership. The PTOS Education Committee would like to gauge PTOS members’ interest in this deal.

PLI Membership normally: $3,495/person. The Education Committee would be offering this at $200/person to PTOS Members. - Note, this rate is ONLY valid if we reach 100 PLI Membership purchases. If we do not reach 100 PLI Membership purchases, you would be refunded your $200. (You are not purchasing anything at this time; again, we’re just trying to gauge future interest.) - Also note, this offer is ONLY open to PTOS Members who are USPTO employees. Specifically, PTOS Members signing up must use their USPTO address for the PLI Membership and certify that they are a USPTO Employee and a PTOS Member at the time of purchase.

SURVEY: If you are interested (if offered) in purchasing a PLI membership at the discounted rate of $200, please fill out this survey by COB Aug 9th : PTOS | PLI Survey

MORE INFO: PLI membership would provide unlimited free in person and online access to PLI seminars* for all members. *PLI Seminars do NOT include Patent Office Registration Exam Course and SEC Institute Workshops

Unique membership benefits include: 1. Educational Value of Programming: stay at forefront of legal issues with 30+ practice areas of high quality content 2. In person and online programs: FREE with membership 3. Soft Skills/Professional Development: content covering writing/speaking/presentation skills/networking/remote teams etc… 4. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Mental Health & Wellness: Access content across key issues 5. Administrative Benefits: Save time tracking credits with PLI’s credit tracker tool 6. Paralegal Training Center: variety of content for paralegals to develop and enhance skills/earn credit 7. Other Credit Types: Access to CLE, CPE, CPD HR, Privacy and Compliance credits included too 8. PLI credit info: PLI offers CLE across ALL STATES: PLI Credit Info 9. PLI has Diverse Leadership and we are a non-profit organization. 10. Credit Tracker: save valuable time and energy with PLI’s free CLE credit tracker tool- free for all attorneys 11. APP: Free PLI APP access content and earn CLE on the go 12. Growth: add on as you grow the department- included! 13. Junior Lawyer Training: curriculum already created for you: PLI Essentials for Associates Below are sample practice area links that may be of interest ( all free with membership):  Intellectual property  Cybersecurity and data protection  Professional development  Employment and labor  Banking and finance  Litigation  Corporate law

There is no Other Time available for attending any PLI courses.

The PTOS Education Committee is pleased to offer an educational visit to: The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division Albert V. Bryan U.S. Courthouse 401 Courthouse Square Alexandria, VA 22314 (one block from PTO headquarters) 9:45 a.m. ~ 11 a.m. Thursday, August 15 By the very generous invitation of Judge Leonie M. Brinkema, PTOS members may observe brief civil proceedings at 10 a.m., followed by an opportunity to meet with Her Honor. Judge Brinkema has had a distinguished career in the Federal Judiciary. Due to the size of the jury box, a limited number of spots are available. To reserve your spot, RSVP to Brian Slawski at Brian.Slawski@USPTO.GOV by August 5th. Professional attire is expected at the Courthouse. All visitors must pass through security; please make special note of the security information below. Please arrive in time to pass through security and be settled in the jury box by 9:45 a.m. You may enter as soon as you arrive, without waiting for the rest of the group. After passing security, proceed to Court Room 700. Security information: Visitors enter the courthouse through the building's main entrance on Courthouse Square. You will be required to walk through a magnetometer and your bags will be screened by an x-ray machine. You will be required to show a photo ID issued by a government agency, such as a driver's license. Members of the public are prohibited from bringing cell phones, Apple watches, ear buds, pagers, PDAs, laptop computers, cameras, tape recorders, and all other personal electronic devices into the courthouse. On September 15, 2005, the U.S. Marshals Service ended its practice of storing cell phones and other electronic devices that visitors bring to the U.S. District Courthouse in Alexandria. You will be unable to enter the building if you bring these devices. General information on the Court is available at No Other Time is available for this event.
Gaming Lounge PTOS Happy Hour Wednesday, July 31st 5:00-6:30 PM Members entitled to one drink or food item Game played to be decided by winner Ro Sham Bo contest Guildhouse 420 S. First St San Jose, CA 95113 Non-members may sign up at the event* Questions to PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.

PTOS presents
Nationals Baseball

Purchase your tickets today for:

Washington Nationals vs. Los Angeles Angels

Friday, August 9, 2024 – 6:45 PM

Cost: $12 per ticket – Right Field Terrace

Purchase Tickets Here

Tickets will be distributed via email prior to the event


Join PTOS for this Family Friendly event!

The following promotions are available through the Nationals for this game:

Kids 12 & under eat free

Nats Summer Concert Series: Teddy Swims


Purchase tickets by August 1, 2024


contact – or –


Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member

Send membership questions to



PTOS Education Committee presents Continuing Legal Education (CLE):

Trademarks & Footwear
Wednesday, July 31st from 1:30-2:30pm ET
Presented by Cynthia Lynch
Acting Deputy Chief Administrative Trademark Judge
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

Please join us as Judge Lynch presents a CLE on trademark cases about footwear. Judge Lynch has said, “it's a pretty active area in the courts and the TTAB, and many of the cases involve popular brands like Vans sneakers, Timberland boots, and Louboutin heels.”

Cynthia C. Lynch currently serves as the acting Deputy Chief Administrative Trademark Judge of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the USPTO. She also holds the position of Professorial Lecturer in Law at George Washington University Law School, where she teaches Trademark and Unfair Competition Law. From 2006 to 2015, she was the USPTO’s Administrator for Trademark Policy and Procedure, responsible for the development and dissemination of trademark regulations and trademark examination policy, and oversight of the Trademark Legal Policy Office and Petitions Office. She previously served as an Associate Solicitor at the USPTO for five years, where she litigated trial and appellate trademark and patent matters in the federal courts, and regularly assisted the U.S. Solicitor General’s Office on I.P. cases at the U.S. Supreme Court. Before coming to the USPTO, she was an Attorney Advisor with the U.S. International Trade Commission, where she worked on intellectual property-based unfair import investigations. She began her legal career as a litigation associate in private practice. She has served as the Chair of the Virginia State Bar Intellectual Property Section, and as a faculty member for the Virginia State Bar Professionalism Course.

There is no Other Time available for this event.
VA CLE credit has been approved.

Questions? Please contact Cathy at or Anne at

Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 247 458 621 396
Passcode: eT88go

Dial in by phone
+1 540-566-5633,,895851072# United States, Roanoke
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 895 851 072#


PTOS Education Committee presents:
Games You Can’t Lose:
The Mathematics of Scams and Hustles

Tuesday, July 30th from 2-3pm ET
Arthur Benjamin, PhD
Smallwood Family Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College

It’s no secret that mathematics abound in games of chance. But what about games designed to give one player a winning edge? Join us to learn the strategies of scams, plus some insightful math along the way.

For entertainment and educational purposes only. Audience members are discouraged from applying these methods to nefariously win money from unsuspecting friends or enemies!

Arthur Benjamin, PhD, Smallwood Family Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, CA, is recognized nationally for his ability to perform rapid mental calculations.

He has lectured and performed for audiences around the world and is the only living American with a biography in The Great Mental Calculators, Past and Present. He has published several books on how to make math both fun and easy.

He is also a professional “mathemagician” and frequently performs at the Magic Castle in Hollywood and worldwide.

No Other Time is available for this event.
If you have questions, please contact Cathy at

Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 272 897 447 485
Passcode: odcVUL

Dial in by phone
+1 540-566-5633,,403921016# United States, Roanoke
Find a local number
Phone conference ID: 403 921 016#


(Bring Your Own Mug)
Please join us for coffee, tea and light refreshments in the Jefferson Conference Center
*All of the campus community is welcome

February 14, 2024 ----- 9am
March 13, 2024 ------- 1pm
April 10, 2024 ------ 9am
May 8, 2024 ------ 1pm
June 5 2024 ----- 9am
July 17, 2024 ----- 1pm
August 14, 2024 ----- 9am
September 11, 2024 ------ 1pm
October 9, 2024 ------ 9am


Ann Arbor, MI
Happy Hour!

Mothfire Brewing Co.

August 1, 2024 6pm‐8pm
Mothfire Brewing Co.
713 W. Ellsworth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI

Join PTOS for a happy hour in Ann Arbor

Each member will receive one free drink
Questions? Contact

Cathy Rastovski ( or Rob Hodge (Robert.Hodge@USPTO.GOV)

PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please
contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.

San Antonio-ish Happy Hour During a TC2800 SEE Trip Come join us at Coopers Old Time Pit Bar-B-Que in New Braunfels on July 16, from 7:30pm-9:30pm! Semiconductors Examiners from TC2800 will be visiting Austin for a Site Education Experience Trip. In an effort to help foster engagement PTOS will be sponsoring an event for those examiners to meet up with their fellow employees from the San Antonio area. This event will occur in-between between Austin and San Antonio to allow for enough time for the visiting examiners to get to a reasonable location in time and get back home by a reasonable time. Come out and meet new Examiners as well as seeing old friends from San Antonio and Austin Cooper’s Old Time Pit Bar-B-Que 1125 TX-337 Loop, New Braunfels, TX 78130 PTOS Members, enjoy up to $7 off your meal on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ALL EMPLOYEES IN THE REGION OR WHO WANT TO TRAVEL IN (No “other time” is provided for this event) Contact Joshua for information about this event: Membership questions? Contact PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.
PTOS Denver Happy Hour Friday July 26th, from 4:30-6:30 pm Come join us at: Lowry Beer Garden 7577 E Academy Boulevard Denver CO 80230 POC: Rebecca Fritchman PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.
Cincinnati Metro Area Happy Hour! Join members from the TC3600 SEE trip for a Happy Hour at Braxton Brewing in Covington on July 22, from 5pm to 7pm Address: 27 West 7th Street, Covington, KY 41011 Enjoy a drink on PTOS (members only) Non-members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Jeff O’Brien or Phil Bonzell for information about this event: or PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.
PTOS Hoteller Outreach Committee Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour! Come join us at Kardinal Hall on Thursday, July 25 from 7-9! 722 Preston Ave Charlottesville VA 22902 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Pinping and/or Philip for information about this event: Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member Send membership questions to PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.
Austin, TX Happy Hour During a TC2800 SEE Trip Come join us at Banger’s Sausage House and Beer Garden on July 18, from 7-9! Semiconductors Examiners from TC2800 will be visiting Austin for a Site Education Experience Trip. Come out and meet new Examiners as well as seeing old friends in Austin Banger’s Sausage House and Beer Garden 79 Rainey St, Austin, TX 78701 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Joshua for information about this event: Membership questions? Contact PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.
GREAT WAVES WATERPARK Cameron Run Reginal Park 4001 Eisenhower Ave Alexandria, VA 22304 Saturday August 17 from 11:30-3:00 BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR A DAY OF OUTDOOR FUN! catered BBQ from brickmakers catering ǀ waterslides, mini-golf & batting cages no alcohol served or allowed within park grounds ǀ veggie burgers available w/ RSVP request ATTENDEES MUST REGISTER BY AUGUST 2ND Cost to Members: $15 Cost to Non-members: $25 Cost for children ages 3 and up: $15 (children 2 and under are free) To register visit: All attendees’ names must be provided with their registration, attendees will check-in at the park entrance to receive wristbands for admittance the day of the event. Contact for any questions: or PTOS members must present their PTOS membership card to attend OR please contact the event organizer in advance to verify your membership status.
St. Louis, Missouri—July 11, 2024 6PM-8PM The Armory ST: 3660 Market St. St. Louis, MO 63110 Join PTOS for a happy hour in St. Louis. Each member will receive a free drink or Big Thursday Special (Slice of pizza and draft beer or glass of wine) Questions? Contact Rebecca Eisenberg ( or Kang Hu (
Tour of the Law Library of Congress + Happy Hour The PTOS Education and Social Committees invite you to a: Tour of the Law Library of Congress + Happy Hour The tour will begin at 3pm ET on Thursday, July 18th and will be followed by a happy hour called “Live! At the Library” at ~5pm ET. All PTOS members are welcome to attend either or both of the following activities: For the tour: To reserve your spot on the tour, RSVP to Cathy at by July 2. On July 18th, meet at 2:50pm at the Information Desk of the James Madison Building located at 101 Independence Ave, SE. Use the main (north) entrance to the James Madison Building on the south side of Independence Avenue. See the map below. PTOS member Stefan Mikailoff will be at the Information Desk to assist with gathering everyone together prior to the tour. There is no on-site parking; however, the Capitol South metro station is located close to the building. Taylor Gulatsi, a Program Specialist at the Law Library of Congress, will lead a tour lasting roughly 1.5-2 hours. For the happy hour: Following the tour, PTOS Social Committee invites you to join “Live! At the Library”. Reservations at 3:45pm must be made in advance here: Make your reservation for 3:45pm as this entry will be during the middle of tour. During the happy hour, PTOS members please enjoy one free drink on us. This includes non-alcoholic options, too.
PTOS End of Third Quarter Happy Hour at Crystal City Sports Pub (Third Floor) · 529 23rd St S, Arlington, VA · Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 @ 6-8pm first-come, first-served appetizers & 1 free drink while supplies last · for PTOS members only ·
Las Vegas Happy Hour! Come join us for Happy Hour at Flight Club Las Vegas (located in the Palazzo casino on the Strip) on Tuesday, July 2, from 5 pm-7 pm! Address: 3327 Las Vegas Blvd. S Suite 2720, Las Vegas, NV, 89109 Free parking available across the street at either Treasure Island casino or Fashion Show Mall Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Optional: Social darts playing Questions? Contact Dave Lotter or Franco Salvoza for information about this event: or
PTOS Denver Happy Hour Thursday June 27th, from 5-7pm Come join us at: The Colorado Pinball Pub 6209 S Santa Fe Drive Littleton CO 80120 Parking Addition Parking At Hudson Gardens POC: Thane Underdahl
Seattle, Washington Happy Hour! Come join us at Stoup Brewing Ballard on Thursday, June 20th from 5:30‐8:00 pm! 1108 NW 52nd St, Seattle, WA 98107 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Blake or Jenn for information about this event: william.partridge@USPTO.GOV
Come join us at CRANK ARM BREWING on Tuesday, June 18, from 4:00 – 6 pm 19 W Davie Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Downtown Raleigh NC Craft Beer Brewery & Bar | Crank Arm Brewing - Crank Arm Brewing Enjoy a drink for each members on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Ana for information about this event:
PTOS SVRO BASEBALL & BBQ Support your local minor league team! Wednesday, June 26 @ 1 PM San Jose Giants vs. Fresno Grizzlies at Excite Ballpark 588 East Alma Ave San Jose, CA 95112 BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR SOME BASEBALL & BBQ Attendees will receive a Turkey Mike’s meal voucher and drink ticket ~non-alcoholic options available~ ATTENDEES MUST RSVP BY 5PM PT ON JUNE 20TH Cost to Members: $10 Cost to Non-members: $25 Cost for children: $10 To RSVP visit: PTOS Reservation System Questions to No other time is authorized for this event.
Hello Patent and Trademark Office Society members! The State Bar of Texas IP Law Section and the TXRO will be conducting on-site tours of the TXRO facilities as well as the FBI’s North Texas Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory on Thursday, June 20, between 2-4PM CT. The PTOS Education Committee would like to extend an invitation to PTOS members within the TXRO area to attend these tours. Location: 207 S. Houston Street, Dallas, TX 75202 Date: Thursday, June 20, 2024 Time: 2:00-4:00pm CT If you are interested in attending or have further questions, please contact TXRO Regional Outreach Officer Rey Vasquez at by noon CT Monday, June 17, 2024. Note: No other time will be authorized for this event. Participation in this event is voluntary. We look forward to seeing you there!
PTOS SVRO - Baseball & BBQ - June 26th PTOS SVRO BASEBALL & BBQ Support your local minor league team! Wednesday, June 26 @ 1 PM San Jose Giants vs. Fresno Grizzlies at Excite Ballpark 588 East Alma Ave San Jose, CA 95112 BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR SOME BASEBALL & BBQ Attendees will receive a Turkey Mike’s meal voucher and drink ticket ~non-alcoholic options available~ ATTENDEES MUST RSVP BY 5PM PT ON JUNE 20TH Cost to Members: $10 Cost to Non-members: $25 Cost for children: $10 To RSVP visit: PTOS Reservation System Questions to No other time is authorized for this event.
Indochen at Hyatt Centric Old Town Alexandria Happy Hour · 1625 King Street · Alexandria, VA · Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 @ 4:00-6:00 PM one free drink ticket - for PTOS members only · NON-ALCOHOLIC OPTIONS ·


"Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology" by Chris Miller

Microsoft Teams

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 214 252 183 841

Passcode: 7jKJKK

Dial in by phone

+1 540-566-5633,,960183058# United States, Roanoke

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 960 183 058#


Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 4:30-5:30 PM (ET)


Interested in joining the PTOS? Contact



Minneapolis, Minnesota -- June 11, 2024 4PM-6PM


Red Cow North Loop
208 N 1st Ave,
Minneapolis, MN 55401


Join PTOS for a happy hour in the North Loop!


Each member will get a free Happy Hour Menu Item!


Questions? Contact Rebecca Eisenberg 571-270-5879


PTOS Education Committee presents:

UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law Informational Session


USPTO Legal Studies Program Information

Wednesday, June 5th from 3-4pm ET

Presented by Marie Boggis and Lesley Morris


Please join us as:

Marie Boggis, Associate Director of Admissions from University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law, shares information regarding the application process, as well as UNH’s current available programs, and Lesley Morris, from our Legal Studies Program, shares information about financial programs the USPTO currently offers to law school students.


There is no Other Time available for this event.


Questions?  Please contact Cathy at


Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 257 473 865 569

Passcode: JE9gUN

Dial in by phone

+1 540-566-5633,,89455490# United States, Roanoke

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 894 554 90#


Portland, OR Happy Hour at Bullard Tavern in conjunction with TC 1700 SEE trip!

 Come join us at Bullard Tavern on Thursday, May 30 from 5:15-6!

 813 Southwest Alder Street

 Enjoy a free happy hour item on PTOS!

 Contact Stephen Yanchuck for more information about this event:




Omaha, NE Happy Hour!


Come join us at Let It Fly Sports Bar

on Wednesday,  June 5th from 4:30P-6:00P!



1080 Capitol Ave. Omaha, NE 68102


Enjoy a beverage on PTOS!


Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Kang for information about this event:



PTOS Education Committee is calling for volunteers!


SPECO, RESET and PTOS are teaming up once again to bring you the chance to plan, organize and perform hands-on science experiments with local elementary school students in an in-person format this school year! This is a great chance to give back to our local communities.


What’s RESET?

  • RESET stands for Raising Excitement for Science, Engineering and Technology.
  • RESET is a successful, educational nonprofit serving the Washington, DC metro area since 1988. Through hands-on science lessons, interactive experiments, and related field trips, RESET volunteers teach children in ways that are engaging, relevant, and fun, helping them to make important connections between life and learning.


What are the requirements?

  • Meet once per month to plan and organize a specific science experiment.
  • Pull together materials for the science experiment.
  • Travel to a local elementary school in Annandale, VA.
  • Perform the science experiment with the students at the school.
  • Watch the student’s happy faces when the light bulb turns on!


What’s the time commitment?

  • Approximately 4-5 hours per month.


This year, SPECO is excited to work with the Canterbury Woods Elementary School located in Annandale, VA.  Canterbury Woods Elementary is a public school that focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) learning.  We engage with students by teaching labs, which they perform, such as measuring wind, understanding air pressure and flight, generating magnetism, creating batteries, and building electrical circuits.


There is no Other Time available for these meetings or events.


If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Arthur Hall.

If you have questions regarding PTOS, please contact Cathy Loikith.

If you have suggestions for future education initiatives, please reach out to the SPECO Education Committee.


Thank you!


PTOS Education Committee presents Continuing Legal Education (CLE):

AI & Copyright as a Matter of Style

Tuesday, May 21st from 1-2pm ET

Presented by Professor Seán O’Connor


Generative AI tools are marketed to replicate famous styles. While artists’ performance styles can be protected under enhanced NIL/RoP statutes, compositional style cannot. In this presentation, Prof. O’Connor explores how authorial “voice” in the form of style is not at the margins of copyright but at its core. Drawing on current cases including NYT v OpenAI and the recent AWF v Goldsmith decision, they posit stylistic innovation as perhaps the last core of human creativity and invention that cannot as of yet be done by AI and why we need to protect it.


Seán O’Connor is a Professor of Law, Founding Director of the Innovation Law Clinic, and Executive Director of the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property (CPIP) at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School. Their research and law practice focus on intellectual property and business law, especially the role of general counsel for start-ups and commercializing innovation in technology and arts. 


There is no Other Time available for this event.

VA CLE credit will be applied for.


Questions?  Please contact Cathy at or Anne at


Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 227 822 932 650

Passcode: EufYkb

Dial-in by phone

+1 540-566-5633,,447156016# United States, Roanoke

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 447 156 016#


Austin, TX Happy Hour During the AIPLA Spring Meeting! Come join us Taco Project on May 16th, from 6-8! Austin Taco Project 500 E 4th St, Austin, TX 78701 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Joshua for information about this event: Membership questions? Contact

PTOS Financial Planning and Insurance Talks:


Making Investing Less Taxing


It’s not what you earn, it’s what you keep! One of the biggest drags on investor performance is taxes. Come to this presentation to learn:


- How to keep more your investment earnings and pay less taxes

- To Roth, or not to Roth

- How to save for college, tax efficiently

- Other tax efficient vehicles


Wednesday 5/22/2024 at 12pm EDT

All are invited!


Attend by phone

Join on your computer or mobile app

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,632878120#

Phone conference ID: 632 878 120#


Hosted by: Education Committee.

For questions, please email Angela Nguyen and Robert Morlan.


No non-production time is available for attendance.


Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member at

Send membership questions to


BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) on Wednesday May 8 at 1pm in the Jefferson 1st Floor Conference Center.


Please come for coffee, tea and light refreshments.  (We will have cups if you don’t have a mug.)  Just come and enjoy yourself with others in campus community.


All are welcome.


Sponsored by The Patents WorkLife Committee and The PTOS.


Thursday, May 23rd from 5-7 pm – 1700 SEE trip

New Terrain Brewery, 16401 Table Mountain Pkwy, Golden, CO

POC: Holly Thurman


Wednesday, May 29th from 5:30-7 pm – 2800 SEE trip

Danico Brewery, 18490 E 66th Ave, Denver, CO

POC: Jamie Niesz


JPTOS Call For Artists!

JPTOS is looking for artists and artistic individuals to create IP related comics and other artistic content!

The Journal publishes once a quarter: submissions for the Journal must be received by the second month for consideration (e.g. February, May, August, November)


Ideas for submissions:

-revamp famous patent drawings in historic style (patent drawings before 1870 were occasionally in color and/or ornate, see also plant patents from the 40’s and earlier)

-update historic comics published in the Journal

-comic takes on articles being published in the Journal


Contact Luther Behringer if interested!



PTOS Game Night -  WEDNESDAY 05/01

Join the PTOS Board Game Club
for a night of in-person board games

MAY 1ST, 2024 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET
·recurring monthly - 1st Wednesdays·


contact: or


Michelin-starred chef Rolland Passot’s new restaurant across from the SVRO.

Tuesday, April 30    5-6 PM

PTOS Members who arrive before 5:20 receive a happy hour drink and an appetizer

Rollati Restaurant

181 E. Santa Clara St
San Jose, CA 95113

Non-members may sign up at the event

Lunch at Vietnamese Noodle Bar with Vegetarian Options
Thursday, May 2    11:15am-12:15pm
PTOS Members receive a lunch entrée and shared appetizers
Kati Noodle and Tea Bar
374 E. Santa Clara St
San Jose, CA 95113
RSVP to by 12p on 5/1
Non-members may sign up at the event
 Questions to


Spokane, WA Happy Hour!


Come join us at Snow Eater Brewing Company

on Friday, April 12, from 2-4!



2325 N. McKinzie Lane, Liberty Lake, WA 99019


Enjoy a beverage on PTOS!


Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Daphne for information about this event:


The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents Continuing Legal Education (CLE):

Powerful Techniques for Negotiating with Your Counterpart

Presented by Susan Borke

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 from 3-4pm ET


Once you are negotiating with your counterpart in real time–in the room, on a call, over video–how do you use your preparation to the best effect?  In this class, you will learn specific behaviors and actions to create maximum value for you and your counterpart, including how to:

•          Understand where to place focus in a negotiation;

•          Learn specific techniques for engaging more effectively with your counterpart; and

•          Develop a practice plan to transform concepts into habits.


Susan Borke, the principal of BorkeWorks, is passionate about helping people develop as effective negotiators.  She believes no one is born a master negotiator.  Great negotiation skills come from a combination of knowledge, training, and practice.  Susan has over thirty-five years of negotiating and negotiation training experience with domestic and international commercial companies, educational institutions, and nonprofits as a media executive at CBS and in-house counsel at National Geographic.


BorkeWorks’ mission is to help organizations and individuals tap into the power of strong negotiation skills.  Susan Borke provides a research-based, problem-solving, interactive approach to negotiation training and consulting that transforms participants into more effective and successful negotiators.  BorkeWorks programs get rave reviews from attendees and sponsoring organizations.


*No other time is authorized for this event*


VA CLE credit has been approved for this CLE.


If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at .


Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 254 921 151 718

Passcode: 3DvfWK


Dial-in by phone

+1 540-566-5633,,879480754# United States, Roanoke

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 879 480 754#


BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) on Wednesday April 10th at 9am in the Jefferson 1st Floor Conference Center.


Please come for coffee, tea and light refreshments.  (We will have cups if you don’t have a mug.)  Just come and enjoy yourself with others in campus community.


All are welcome.


Sponsored by The Patents WorkLife Committee and The PTOS.


Solar Eclipse

Monday April 8th 2024

Location: YARD HOUSE

Address: 5100 Belt Line Rd, Dallas, TX 75254

Time: 12 PM CST

What will be provided? Food and/or Drink(s)

What if I'm not a PTOS member? You can sign up to be a PTOS member at the event in-person or prior to the event by emailing

Questions? Contact

Solar Eclipse Glasses will be provided on a limited basis

12:23pm Eclipse Begins

1:40pm Totality Begins

1:44pm Totality Ends

3:02pm Eclipse Ends


Indianapolis, IN area Ice Cream Social!


Eclipse travelers and locals, come join us at Uranus on Sunday, April 7, from 2-4!



Uranus Fudge Factory

1423 W. 53rd St, Anderson, IN 46013


Enjoy an ice cream on PTOS!


Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Luther for information about this event:


The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents:

Searching for Order in the Complexity of Evolving Worlds:

Complex Adaptive Systems & the Santa Fe Institute

Tuesday, April 16 from 1-2pm ET

Presented by Chris Kempes and Leah Brennan-Magidson


The Santa Fe Institute is an independent, nonprofit research and education center dedicated to the study of complex adaptive systems. Their researchers endeavor to understand and unify the underlying shared patterns in complex physical, biological, social, cultural, technological, and even possible astrobiological worlds. They will provide a brief overview of their history, mission, research goals, and their educational offerings, including their online learning platform




Chris Kempes is Resident Faculty at the Santa Fe Institute. He is a scientist who works at the intersection of physics, biology, and society. Chris' work focuses on a wide range of topics from ecology to the structure of human organizations to how innovations are generated in complex systems.


Leah Brennan-Magidson is the Online Education Program Manager at the Santa Fe Institute. She administers the Institute’s online education offerings, including


There is no Other Time available for this event.


Questions?  Please contact Cathy at


Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 246 215 366 799 

 Passcode: bhVCcj 

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,482350613#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 482 350 613# 






Event Feedback or General Feedback/Suggestions





Membership questions? Contact


You are receiving these e-mails because you are subscribed to a PTOS mailing list.







Join the PTOS Board Game Club

for a night of in-person board games


Knox 10th Floor Conference Room

April 3rd, 2024 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET

·recurring monthly - 1st Wednesdays·


· light refreshments and snacks will be provided ·




What: Two hour HH before Gamebox so everyone has a chance to eat before playing

When: Tuesday, April 9th, 4:30-6:30 pm MT (immediately before Immersive Gamebox)
Where: Culinary Dropout 4141 E 9th Ave, Denver, CO 80220

Questions: contact


What: 90 min of play in an Immersive Gamebox

When: Tuesday, April 9th, 6:30-8 pm MT (immediately following HH at Culinary Dropout)
Where: 825 Albion St, Denver, CO 80220

How: $20 for members, $50 for non-members, Register HERE by April 4th

Questions: contact Allison Bourke



Trivia Night @ Lost Boy Cider

· 317 Hooffs Run Dr · Alexandria, VA ·


Tuesday, April 16th @ 4:30-7:00pm

· bring a team, join a team, or go it alone ·

Game Starts at 5:00 PM!

· Only teams of eight or fewer are eligible for prizes ·

· Must be a member to win a prize ·


One free drink ticket - for PTOS members only

· non-alcoholic options & outdoor seating available ·


contact: -OR- 

*you can sign up for membership at the event.


Atlanta, GA Area Happy Hour!


Come join us at Art & Jakes (Newnan location) on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 from 6-8pm!



510 Newnan Crossing Bypass, Newnan, GA 30265


Enjoy a beverage on PTOS!


Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Rob if you plan to attend or for information about this event:




Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour!


Come join us at Selvedge Brewing (Ivy Road location) on Friday, March 22, from 5-7!



2415 Ivy Rd Ste 190, Charlottesville, VA 22903


Enjoy a beverage on PTOS!


Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Luther for information about this event:




Seattle, WA Happy Hour!


Come join us at Über Tavern on Thursday, March 28th

from 5:30‐8:00 pm!



7517 Aurora Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103

Enjoy a beverage on PTOS!


notes: dogs welcome. Über Tavern is byo food


Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Blake or Jenn for information about this event:


PTOS & RMRO Worklife - Denver March Happy Hour

When: Tuesday, March 26th 5pm – 7pm MT

Where: 1UP Arcade Bar on Colfax | 717 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80203

What: Mid-year happy hour – one free drink for PTOS members



Dallas PTOS Social Event


Toyota Stadium (FC Dallas vs Seattle Sounders FC)

9200 World Cup Way, Frisco, TX 75033

Saturday, April 13th, 2024 starting 7:30PM CST


***Cost of event is $15 per member. Members can pay at Last day to register is COB Monday, March 11th, 2024***




Drinks and/or food will be sponsored by PTOS.

Questions?  Contact or

Membership questions? Contact


Join the PTOS Board Game Club
for a night of in-person board games

MARCH 6TH 2024 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET
·recurring monthly - 1st Wednesdays·




The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents Continuing Legal Education (CLE):

An Overview of Trade Secrets

Presented by Vivek Koppikar

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 from 1-2pm ET


Please join us as we learn about examples of trade secrets and how to protect them in the US and in foreign countries.


Vivek received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University.  In 2002, he started working at the USPTO as an examiner.  From 2004-2008, he attended evening law school at American University.  Upon graduation, he became a member of the DC bar.  He served on a detail to the Office of Patent Legal Administration in 2012.  From 2012-2018, he served as a SPE/Trainer at the Training Academy where he managed and trained over 130 new examiners, as well as other IP professionals and foreign patent examiners.  Since 2021, Vivek has been a SPE in TC 3600 in an art unit which handles applications dealing with navigation and vehicle controls.


*No other time is authorized for this event*


VA CLE credit has been applied for and is currently pending approval.


If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at .

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 256 466 491 842 


Passcode: CBHcsE 

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,437073232#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 437 073 232# 


Patent and Trademark Office Society
2024 Science Fair Judges (In-Person)
For regional science and engineering fairs

Fields for judging include:
Environmental Sci.
Earth & Space Sciences
Health & Medicine
Computer Science

Location, Date,   Time      
Arlington County Virginia Regional Fair Sat., March 2nd  9:30am-noon
Arlington, VA (Wakefield HS)

Fairfax County Virginia Regional Fair Sat., March 16th 8:30am-noon
Fairfax, VA (Robinson HS)

P.G. County Maryland Science Fair Sat., March 16th  8:45am-noon
Springdale, MD (Charles Herbert Flowers HS)

Pikes Peak Regional Science Fair  Sat., February 24th  8:45am-noon
Colorado Springs, CO (UCCS)

If Interested, please RSVP with:
Joan Goodbody (Arlington)  571-270-7952
Bryan Lee (Fairfax)   571-270-5606
Victoria Fisher (PG)  571-270-7033
Monica Young (Colorado Springs)  303-297-4785


Anyone qualified in the above areas, including Spouses & Friends, are invited to judge
(NOTE: No "other time" granted for participation)

PTOS Membership questions? Contact



BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) on Wednesday February 14th at 9 am in the Jefferson 1st Floor Conference Center.


Please come for coffee, tea and light refreshments.  (We will have cups if you don’t have a mug.)  Just come and enjoy yourself with others in campus community.


All are welcome.


Sponsored by The Patents WorkLife Committee and The PTOS.




The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents:

Henry George: A Neglected Thinker, His Thoughts, and Their Relevance in Today’s World

Presented by Nicholas Rosen

February 28, 2024 at 1pm ET


Please join us as Nicholas Rosen (a USPTO employee and fellow PTOS member) gives an educational presentation on the economic thought of Henry George, and how it has worked in the real world, to the extent it has been applied.  Henry George (1839-1897) was an economist and reformer who wrote books, influenced many people, and had an active mass movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  He was reported to be the third best-known American of his time, after Mark Twain and Thomas Edison.  Briefly, he offered an explanation for why the great improvements in productive technology which had occurred before and during his lifetime had made some people rich, but had done little to raise the wages of ordinary workers, and why the world suffered repeated bouts of industrial depression and high unemployment. 


Questions? Please contact Cathy Loikith at .


There is no Other Time authorized for this event.


Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 269 986 291 343 


Passcode: 5bTUdL 

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,87261512#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 872 615 12# 


International Toast Day & Sampler Kit! Sampler sales end 2/16!



Join us on Thursday, February 29, at 8 pm ET, and enjoy a toast (of your favorite whisky or bread product)! Optional belated Burn’s Night!


Limited subsidized whiskey sampler kits are available for member purchase at for $37.50!


Slange Var!


Or bring your favorite bread product and discover the right level of toastiness!


Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,480908680#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 480 908 680#


Contact Luther for information about this event:


KIDS & CHEMISTRY Information Session


Interested in hosting a Kids & Chemistry event?


Information Session:

Wednesday, February 7th, 1-2 pm EST



The Kids & Chemistry program offers hands-on activity guides, lessons, and advice for ACS chemists, local sections, and industry groups who present chemistry lessons to elementary or middle school students as part of the school day.


No Experience Necessary


For more information, please contact PTOS Kids & Chemistry Chair:


No othertime available for this info session



Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting


Meeting ID: 297 481 532 055
Passcode: FyqWGL

Download Teams | Join on the web


Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,71007563#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 710 075 63#

Find a local number | Reset PIN


Learn More | Help | Meeting options | Legal


Join the PTOS Board Game Club

for a night of in-person board games


Knox 10th Floor Conference Room

August 2nd 2023 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET

·recurring monthly - 1st Wednesdays·


· light refreshments and snacks will be provided ·


contact: or


Patent and Trademark Office Society Annual Meeting


February 6, 2023

2:00 p.m. EST




Steven Corn



Steven is a senior digital music executive with decades of experience in publishing, distribution, content management, digital media, business affairs, and sales. He is President of Viewpoint Consulting Services which provides strategic and business development services to a wide variety of music, social media and entertainment companies. VPCS specializes  in advising start-up companies on how to achieve their growth targets while navigating the confusing intellectual rights structure of the online economy.

Prior to VPCS, Steven was the CEO and Co-Founder of BFM Digital, a digital distribution company representing 650 labels to hundreds of digital music services globally including Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Youtube, Google, Tidal, and Rhapsody. In 2014, BFM successfully exited in an acquisition by The Orchard (owned by Sony)

He also brings his expertise as an adjunct professor at the highly-regarded Los Angeles College of Music teaching courses in their music business bachelor’s program. His curriculum includes Global Music Business, Digital Distribution, History of Digital Music, and Royalty Accounting.

Steven Corn is the co-founder of BFM Jazz, an award-winning jazz label with 5 Grammy® wins and 18 nominations. Currently, he is the Head of Business Affairs Made In Memphis Entertainment and is an Educational Ambassador for the Mechanical Licensing Collective. He has recently formed a new company ( offering mediation services on a wide variety of cases.

Webex link to be sent out prior to the meeting.

For in Person Viewing: Jefferson 1st Floor Conference Ceneter

PTOS Members: One hour of other time (with supervisor approval) for attending may be charged to: Patent employees: PNCSPA-0000-090241



· Knox Building Lobby @ USPTO Alexandria campus ·
Monday, February 12th at 5:00-7:00 PM
· Ballroom & Line Dance Options ·
$10.00 a Ticket ~ Purchase By February 7th
· 1 hr instructor led class + pizza, dessert, & refreshments ·
· classes are limited to 35 students each ·


Line Dance 5-6 PM
Ballroom Dance 6-7PM

Classes are open to PTOS members Only
· PTO Fitness Center membership is NOT required ·

contact: Pinping Sun -or- Susan McFadden


Washington Capitals v. Detroit Red Wings

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Darcy Kuemper Bobblehead night


Cost: $102 per game ticket

& access to the Devils Backbone Lounge for Food & Drink

Ticket includes a food voucher redeemable in the Devils Backbone Lounge

Unlimited beer, wine, & soft drinks within the Devils Backbone Lounge*

(*Starting 1 hour prior to faceoff through the end of the 2nd intermission)


Purchase Tickets Here

Limit 2 tickets per member ~ seats are located in Section 433, Rows F-H and J-L

Tickets will be distributed via email prior to the event


contact: – or –



February 13th from 5-7 pm

Postino Lohi, 2715 17th St, Denver, CO

POC: Allison Bourke

1 Free Drink per Member


Dear PTOS Membership:


Following are the results of the 2024 PTOS Election. Please note that there is a vacancy on the Board for the position of Directors Office/PTAB/OPIA Representative.  This email is considered “notice” of the vacancy under Article V, Section 10(b) of the PTOS Constitution.  After 10 business days from the distribution of this email, the Board may vote a recommended member into this position.  The Board must receive a written recommendation signed by 5 active members from the affected area of representation (i.e. Directors Office/PTAB/OPIA).  A nomination form for this purpose can be found here:  Nominations should be turned in to by Monday, Feb. 2 at 3PM Eastern.


2024 PTOS Election Results




David Lotter

Vice President

Shelby Turner


Ryan Clark


Anna Pagonakis


Matthew Troutman



HQ / Shirlington / Hoteling Representatives


TC 1600 (2)

Rayna Rodriguez, Selam Berhane

TC 1700/2900 (2)

Holly Thurman, Brandon Rosati

TC 2100 (2)

Kevin Lu, Maria Ayad

TC 2400 (2)

Angela Nguyen, William Kim

TC 2600 (2)

Tsung-Yin Tsai, Lewis West

TC 2800 (2)

Leah Rosenberg, Joshua Schwartz

TC 3600 (2)

Catherine Loikith, Jeffrey O'Brien

TC 3700 (2)

Jessica Arble, Keith Raymond


Rex Rooker

Trademarks (2)

Monique Watts, Cheryl Butler

Director’s Office / PTAB / Policy and International Affairs (1)

(Vacant, no candidates, no write-in votes)

OPLA/OPQA/Others (1)

Fred Guillermety


Regional Representatives


MWRO (Detroit)

William Monticello

RMRO (Denver)

Allison Bourke

TXRO (Dallas)

Neel Patel

SVRO (San Jose)

Andrew Polay


At Large Representatives (In alphabetical order by surname)

Luther Behringer

Philip Bonzell

Alex DeVito

Ryan Donlon

Katie Gerth

Rachel Highland

Robert Hodge

Kang Hu

Anne Kozak

Razu Miah


The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents Continuing Legal Education (CLE):

AI for Drug Discovery: A New Frontier for Patent Law

Presented by Matthew Chun

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 from 3-4PM ET


Please join us as we learn about the growing use of AI in drug discovery and some of the challenges for Patent Law posed by the use of AI in drug discovery.


Matthew Chun is a Patent Agent at Fish & Richardson, a leading intellectual property law firm, joining the firm in 2017. Dr. Chun is licensed to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and primarily specializes in obtaining patents for clients ranging from multinational technology companies to solo inventors with a particular focus on artificial intelligence/machine learning, medical devices, and robotics.


Dr. Chun is also a 3L student at Harvard Law School where he is managing editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology and a former student fellow at the Petrie Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics. Prior to law school, he attended the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, completing his PhD/DPhil in engineering science. Working at the University of Oxford’s Computational Health Informatics Laboratory and the Nuffield Department of Population Health, Dr. Chun’s research focused on utilizing machine learning approaches for assessing stroke risk in a contemporary Chinese cohort of 0.5 million individuals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Chun contributed to the United Kingdom’s pandemic response as a health data analyst for the Alan Turing Institute’s DECOVID initiative. Dr. Chun also holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering from MIT with a minor in management science.


*No other time is authorized for this event*


VA CLE credit has been applied for and is currently pending approval.


If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at


Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 296 741 758 10 

 Passcode: bdAtWZ 

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,459505945#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 459 505 945# 


(Adult Only Event for PTOS Members age 21 and over )
@ The Clara Barton Auditorium
600 Dulany Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(Parking at the USPTO Alexandria Campus)
USPTO Alexandria Campus Map
Appetizers, Entrees and Desserts provided
Free Casino Play Provided
Food Drive



Join PTOS at Whiskey & Oyster

· 301 John Carlyle St, Alexandria, VA 22314 ·


January 9th 2024 @ 4:00-6:00 PM ET


one free drink ticket - for PTOS members only

· non-alcoholic options available ·





*you can sign up for membership at the event.




Arizona Holiday Happy Hour


Phx Beer Co
3002 E Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85034
Friday December 22nd from 4 to 6 PM


Members will receive food and drinks on PTOS.
Non member can sign up at the event.
Questions? Contact Joshua.Schwartz@USPTO.GOV and ryan.clark3@USPTO.GOV
Membership questions? Contact


Detroit Midwest Regional Office PTOS
Holiday Dinner

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2023, 6-10PMSAN MORELLO AT SHINOLA HOTEL1400 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48226PTOS Member price: $25/personGuest price: $50/personPay using this link -->
*Additional chagres may be incurred at venue*
Parking is NOT INCLUDEDQuestions about this event:


Dallas PTOS Holiday Happy Hour/Dinner Social Event


Malai Kitchen

3699 McKinney Ave #319, Dallas, TX 75204

Monday, December 18th, 2023 starting 6:00PM CST




Drinks and/or food will be sponsored by PTOS.

Non-members can sign up at the event.

Questions?  Contact or

Membership questions? Contact


Walking Distance from the SVRO Holiday Party


Downtown Ice Skating

Wednesday, December 6th   
7:00-8:30 PM

PTOS Members receive a 90 minute skate session and skate rental for members and family
*Members bringing guests must RSVP by 5 December to



Circle of Palms Plaza
120 S. Market St.
San Jose, CA 95113

Non-members may sign up at the event
 Questions to


BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) on Wednesday December 6th at 9 am in the Knox 1st Floor Conference Center.


Please come for coffee, tea and light refreshments.  (We will have cups if you don’t have a mug.)  Just come and enjoy yourself with others in campus community.


All are welcome.


Sponsored by The Patents WorkLife Committee and The PTOS.



Join the PTOS Board of Directors! Turn in your nominating petition form between Nov 27th-Dec 8th and your name will be placed on the ballot for the 2024 election. Nominations will be accepted for the following positions: Positions for which all PTOS members are eligible: President Vice President Secretary Administrator Treasurer At Large Representative (10 positions available) Virginia HQ / Hoteling Representative Positions (All members eligible except those listed in PALM as non-hotelers having a physical office at one of the four USPTO Regional Offices. Member must work within the respective business unit): TC 1600, 1700/2900, 2100, 2400, 2600, 2800, 3600, 3700 (2 from each – 16 total positions) OCFO / OCAO / OCIO / OPIM (1 position) Trademarks (2 positions) Office of the Director / PTAB / Office of the General Counsel /Office of Policy & International Affairs (1 position) OPLA/OPQA/All others not specified (1 position) – Includes Office of the Commissioner, CRU, others Regional Office Representative Positions (All members eligible, but they must be nominated by members who live within a 50-mile radius of the respective Regional Office. Members may not submit petitions for both a Regional Rep position and Virginia HQ /Hoteling Rep position): Midwest Regional Office (1 position) Rocky Mountain Regional Office (1 position) Silicon Valley Regional Office (1 position) Texas Regional Office (1 position) Visit to get your nominating petition form and for guidelines on obtaining signatures. Completed forms must be submitted to by 3:00PM E.T. on Friday Dec 8, 2023 While you may use USPTO email to collect nomination signatures (see guidelines at USPTO email may not be used for campaigning. Violations of election bylaws can be confidentially reported to the Election Committee at You may submit campaign material (e.g. a flyer or a short bio with information about yourself, your history of service with PTOS, and how you envision serving the Society while in office) along with your petition form. Your material will be posted on the Election Committee page of the PTOS website. Campaign material will be accepted for posting until 3:00 PM E.T. on Thursday Dec 21, 2023. Voting will take place from Jan 9th-11th, 2024.
Dallas PTOS Holiday Happy Hour Fox and Hound 112 W Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75080 Thursday, December 14th, 2023 from 2:00PM-3:30PM CST Food and/or drink(s) will be sponsored by PTOS. Non-members can sign up at the event. Questions? Contact or Membership questions? Contact

Where: Bowlero Englewood, 4900 S Federal Blvd, Englewood, CO 80110

When: Thursday, December 7th at 430-630 pm MT

What: Drink tickets, Arcade Credits and Raffle Prizes


POC: Allison Bourke


· 1725 Duke St #100 · Alexandria VA ·
Wednesday, December 6th at 5:00-8:00 PM
· Best Crazy Holiday Sweater Requested ·
RSVP By November 28th - Purchase Here

$10.00 per person ~ includes appetizers & 2 drink tickets
· members may purchase one additional guest ticket ·

contact: Rachel Highland -or- Ryan Donlon


PTOS SVRO Happy Hour @ Rollati

Where: 181 E. Santa Clara St. San Jose, CA 95113

When: Thursday, November 16th from 4-5:30 PM

What: PTOS Members receive a happy hour drink and an appetizer

*Non-members may sign up at the event





PTOS Denver November Happy Hour

When: Thursday, November 16th from 5:00-7:00 PM MT

Where: School House Kitchen and Libations |  5660 Olde Wadsworth Blvd  |  Arvada

What: happy hour – one free drink for PTOS members and light appetizers


For questions, please contact Holly Thurman @


Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour!


Come join us at Three Notch’d Brewing Co. on Friday, November 10, from 5-7!

520 2nd St SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902


Enjoy an appetizer and a drink at Three Notch’d Brewery!


Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Luther for information about this event:



PTOS Presents: MasterClass (a one year subscription to ALL content)


PTOS Education Committee is offering a special member price of $75 (regularly $180) for an entire year of access to MasterClass.


Want to learn more about MasterClass? See the video.  For a sample of business related courses check out this link MasterClass at Work or browse through the different categories available including Music, Writing, Sports & Gaming, Wellness, etc.: MasterClass Categories   


LIMIT ONE subscription per PTOS member. Limited to the first 100 PTOS Members to sign-up for a subscription here.

Sign-up by November 15th. An activation code to start your yearlong membership will be sent soon after the registration closes.


There is NO other time associated with this program.


Program questions? Contact or or

Calling all PTOS members! The Education Committee needs you! Are you knowledgeable or an expert in an educational field? Would you like to share your knowledge with other interested PTOS members? If so, please let us know! As a Committee, we’re hoping to expand the virtual educational events we can offer to our members in the future. The topic can’t be considered training for the Office, and it also can’t be disparaging to the Office. Other than that, practically any topic is acceptable! Science, the arts, the environment, technology – you tell us! If you are interested in presenting, please contact Cathy at There will not be Other Time offered for these presentation(s) (presenting or attending).
PTOS Financial Planning and Insurance Talks Preparing for College Many parents and their students struggle with how to cover the cost of college. So much depends on factors outside of your control plus you won’t know the actual cost for your family until your child is almost ready to graduate from high school, which could be years in the future. This presentation will help get you started. We’ll cover: - The cost of higher education - Ways to reduce the total amount your student will pay - College funding strategies Wednesday 11/8/2023 at 12pm All are invited! Attend by phone Join on your computer or mobile app Or call in (audio only) +1 540-566-5633,,736523385# Phone Conference ID: 736 523 385# Hosted by: Education Committee. For questions, please email Angela Nguyen and Robert Morlan. Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member at Send membership questions to
Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour! Come join us at Selvedge Brewing on Friday, October 20 from 5-7! 1837 Broadway St, Charlottesville, VA 22902 (inside the Wool Factory) Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Luther for information about this event:

PTOS cordially invites you to


· 480 King St · Alexandria · 22314 ·
Thursday, November 9th at 6:00-10:00 PM
· Formal Attire Requested ·
RSVP By October 25th - Purchase Here


$60.00 per person ~ available to members* only
· includes dinner & 2 drinks per ticket ·
*members may purchase one additional guest ticket 

Dinner Selection Required in RSVP
· dietary restrictions accommodated upon request ·


Dinner will be served at 7:00 pm
· attendees must check in from 6-6:45 PM ·

Discounted parking available at the hotel for $10.00

A limited # of discounted rooms are available until 10/30
Attendees may reserve a room at the discounted rate here!
Room reservations are made directly with the hotel,
& are separate from the PTOS event reservation.

contact: Rachel Highland -or- Shelby Turner




Thursday October 19, 2023 from 5:00PM-7:00PM EDT



Public House at National Harbor, 199 Fleet St, Oxon Hill, MD 20745

Within a 5 minute walk from the Gaylord Convention Center where the AIPLA Annual Meeting is being held.  The happy hour will also have free swag and print copies of The Journal of The Patent and Trademark Office Society


What will be provided?

Up to one drink per member or light snacks while supplies last


What if I’m not a PTOS member?

You can sign up to be a PTOS member at the event in-person or prior to event by emailing or clicking here .:: Patent & Trademark Office Society ::. - Membership Types (


Questions?  Contact Joshua Schwartz ( or David Lotter (

Membership questions? Contact



(Bring Your Own Mug)
Wednesday October 11th at 9 am
Knox Building*

Please join us for coffee, tea and light refreshments in the
Knox 1st Floor Conference Center.
*All of the campus community is welcome.
Sponsored by the Patents WorkLife Commitee and the Patent and Trademark Office Society


Join the PTOS Board Game Club
for a night of in-person board games

OCTOBER 4TH 2023 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET
·recurring monthly - 1st Wednesdays·


contact: or

 PTOS Oct HH at Copper Kettle October 12th, 4:30-6:30

PTOS Presents Denver Happy Hour

When: Thursday, October 12th 4:30-6:30pm

Where: Copper Kettle Brewing Company (1338 S. Valentia St., Denver, CO 80247)

What: One free drink per member

POC: Rebecca Fritchman

Dallas PTOS End Of The Fiscal Year Social Event Kegs and Mugs 615 FM2281, Suite 100, Lewisville, TX 75056 Monday, October 2nd, 2023 starting 6:00PM Drinks and food will be sponsored by PTOS. Non-members can sign up at the event. Questions? Contact or Membership questions? Contact
Coffee Break and Catered Lunch October 3, 2023 Coffee Break Join us at 10:00 am for coffee and snacks Knox 1st floor conference center Lunch at noon with PTOS Knox 1st floor conference center $3 for Potbelly's individual boxed lunch Includes sandwich, chips and cookie Orders must be placed on by September 27 Menu link will be provided Order link: Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Luther for information about this event:

Welcome to the FY2024 Oktoberfest!


October 3 from 5-8 p.m.

The Garden

5380 Eisenhower Ave Suite C

Alexandria, VA 22304

Overflow parking available at 5001 Eisenhower Ave


Free entry & free refreshments for members

- bring your card for speedy entry -


Questions regarding this event, please contact,,


Dallas PTOS End Of The Fiscal Year Social Event


TopGolf – The Colony

3760 Blair Oaks Drive, The Colony, TX 75056

Thursday, October 12th, 2023 starting 6:00PM


*** RSVP via email to by Monday, September 25th ***


Drinks and food will be sponsored by PTOS.

Golfing time will be limited based on the turnout.

Non-members can sign up at the event.

Questions?  Contact or

Membership questions? Contact


Assistant Editor-in-Chief


By requirement of Article VII, Section 2(i) of the Society Constitution, Article III, Sections 4 and 5 of the By Laws and Article VII of the Standing Rules of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, a vacancy is being announced to all active members of the Society in the position of Assistant Editor in Chief of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society.


This position is salaried – compensation is $300 (three hundred dollars)/month.  This position is not a voting position on the Board of Governors.



                     The Assistant Editor-in-Chief  (EiC) must be an active member of the Society.

                     Posses or actively pursuing a Juris Doctor from an ABA accredited institution. Those currently pursuing their degree must have successfully completed their 1L year.

                     Demonstrated skillset to perform the duties as noted below.

                     Must be capable of editing legal articles using the Bluebook System of Citation.

                     Must have a basic understanding of Microsoft Word.

                     Prior Journal experience is preferred, but not required.



  • The Assistant Editor-in-Chief shall assist the Editor-in-Chief in article procurement and selection, editing articles, preparing articles for typesetting, reviewing the typeset copy, and preparing the final copy for print and distribution. Generally this amounts to between 6 to 10 articles per issue.
  • The Assistant Editor-in-Chief shall also assist the Editor-in-Chief in working with the Journal staff on the layout and publication requirements of the Journal.
  • The Assistant Editor-in-Chief shall aid the Editor-in-Chief in recruiting, training, and managing a staff of volunteer Article Editors.



  • This post is an at-will position with an initial term of one (1) year. Said term is renewable with approval by the Board of Governors without a need for reapplying.



•           All applicants must submit a resume qualifications statement.

•           A personal interview conducted by the Editor-in-Chief is required.

•           This position will be filled by majority vote of the Board of Governors with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors of the Society.




Joshua Schwartz, Executive Director                (571) 270-7494

DEADLINE – 5:00PM (Eastern) October 9, 2023

Any questions should be directed to Joshua Schwartz (contact information above)

Friday, October 6th Lunch 12-1 pm, Curling 1-3 pm Rock Creek Curling 1405 Overlook Dr, Lafayette, CO 80026 $30 per member, $80 for non-members Sign-up by Sept 22nd at Contact Allison Bourke for information about this event:
FUEL UP FOR THE FISCAL YEAR WITH PTOS Madison Lower Atrium · September 20th 2023 @ 8:00-10:00 AM ET FREE COFFEE (OR TEA) & A LIGHT SNACK For PTOS members only ·while supplies last contact: or *YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR MEMBERSHIP AT THE EVENT.
PTOS SVRO Raffle Silicon Valley Summer Picnic Municipal Rose Garden Thursday August 31 11:00 – 2:00 PTOS Members entered to win gift cards for AMC movies, COSTCO, and Amazon San Jose Municipal Rose Garden 1649 Naglee Ave, San Jose San Jose, CA 95113 Non-members may sign up at the event Questions to
PTOS Denver September Happy Hour When: Friday, Sept. 8 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM MT Where: The Red Barber inside the CatBird Hotel (3770 Walnut Street – in RINO near the 38th and Blake A-line station) What: happy hour – one free happy hour drink for PTOS members. For questions, please contact Curtis Kortman @
PTOS and Patents WorkLife Present: BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) Meet your new neighbors in the Knox Building If you have an office in the Knox Building*, please join us on Wednesday August 30th at 9 am in the Knox 1st Floor Conference Center. Come for coffee, tea and light refreshments. The moves to the building should be complete and you will have new neighbors. *All of the campus community is welcome, regardless of building
PTOS Education and Social Committees announce: PTOS Member Rates* for the AIPLA Annual Meeting and Luncheon! AIPLA Annual Meeting Registration: $100 (Regular price: $145) Keynote Luncheon: $60 (Regular price: $77) (This is an optional add-on when purchasing the meeting registration. Luncheon may not be purchased alone.) *PTOS Member Rates are offered for the first 150 members to sign-up. *MUST be a government employee. The special rates are available until Thursday, August 31 (if not sold-out before this date). Annual Meeting Registration Details October 19-21, 2023 Attend in-person To purchase your American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Annual Meeting registration, use this registration link: AIPLA 2023 Annual Meeting Registration . The end of the form will direct you to make payment and include your invoice number. As you register for the Annual Meeting, you are also eligible to purchase an optional: Keynote Luncheon Friday, October 20, 2023 from 12:30-2pm Attend in-person As you purchase the AIPLA Annual Meeting using the Registration link above, you will be directed to the PTOS Reservation page where you may optionally add-on the Keynote Luncheon. Again, the Luncheon may not be purchased alone. The AIPLA Annual Meeting is a three-day (October 19-21, 2023), multi-track conference to help 1200+ intellectual property practitioners supercharge their skills and careers. Distinguished speakers present on issues that affect your practice and topics that keep you up-to-date including: • AI 360 + Ethics and Privacy • Extraterritoriality and the Lanham Act • 5 Months Into the UPC: Numbers, Cases and Trends • SEP Licensing and Anti-Suit Injunctions • Trademarks and the First Amendment • Patent Litigation, Funding, and Insurance • 5 Things You Should Know to Run a Successful and Ethical Law Practice • Copyright Implications of Generative AI • Transformative Fair Use after Warhol v. Goldsmith • Enablement After Amgen v. Sanofi • Data and Online Assets in IP Transactions in the US and Abroad • Patentability of Agricultural Biotechnology in Europe, Israel, and Latin America Other time MAY be available under the 16/40 Program with Supervisor approval. Please contact your Supervisor for more details. Event questions? Please contact Anne at or Cathy at
Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour! Come join us at Rockfish Brewing on Friday, August 18, from 5-7! 201 W. Main Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Luther for information about this event:
TXRO-PTOS Social Happy Hour Tuesday, August 29th, 2023 from 6:00PM-8:00PM CST Location? Twin Peaks at 5260 Belt Line Rd, Dallas, TX 75254 What will be provided? Up to ~$20 per person of food and/or drinks. What if I’m not a PTOS member? You can sign up to be a PTOS member at the event in-person or prior to event by emailing! Questions? Contact Membership questions? Contact
Indochen at Hyatt Centric Old Town Alexandria Happy Hour · 1625 King Street · Alexandria, VA · Tuesday, August 22, 2023 @ 4:00-6:00 PM one free drink ticket - for PTOS members only · NON-ALCOHOLIC OPTIONS · contact: -or-
PTOS and Patents WorkLife Present: BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) Meet your new neighbors in the Jefferson Building If you have an office in the Jefferson Building*, please join us on Tuesday August 29th at 9:30 am in the Jefferson 1st Floor Conference Center. Come for coffee, tea and light refreshments. The moves to the building should be complete and you will have new neighbors. *All of the campus community is welcome, regardless of building
PTOS Presents: Bingo Night @ Little Man Ice Cream When: Aug. 30 from 7-9Pm MST Where: Little Man Ice Cream Kent Place ( 3455 S University Blvd Unit A, Englewood CO 80113) What: Ice cream paid for by PTOS, bingo run and provided by the venue POC: or
Phoenix Event! Come join us at Blanco Tacos and Tequila on Monday, August 7 from 7‐9! 2502 E Camelback Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Enjoy a $7 subsidy for food or drinks on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Josh Schwartz for information about this event: 571 270 7494 Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member Send membership questions to
Rocky Mountain Regional Office · 1961 Stout Street · 14th Floor Training Room · Thursday, August 24th @ 3:30 PM · alcoholic and non-alcoholic refreshments provided · Must RSVP by August 17th $40.00 a ticket for PTOS members ($80.00 non-member rate) · option of either a canvas or charcuterie board creation · · includes all necessary supplies and guided instruction · contact:
Orkney Springs Distillery - for PTOS members only · 7701 Southern Dr, Suite R, Unit A1 · Springfield, VA · Tuesday, August 29, 2023 @ 6:00-8:00 PM Members must RSVP in advance, space is limited. Cost is $5 per member. Registered members will receive two drink tickets - · NON-ALCOHOLIC OPTIONS AVAILABLE · contact: -or-
Detroit Regional Office Beach, BBQ, and Beverages on beautiful Lake Huron Lexington “The First Resort North” Michigan Saturday, August 19, 2023 12:00 PM ET 7350 Sheridan Line, Lexington MI 48450 ∙ Barbeque including: hamburgers, hot dogs and local sweet corn for the grill ∙ ∙ side dishes, fruits, vegetables, and snacks ∙ ∙ Keg of beer & non-alcoholic beverages will be provided ∙ (Vote for your beer preference by contacting William Monticello) BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR A DAY OF OUTDOOR FUN! PLEASE RSVP TO WILLIAM.MONTICELLO@USPTO.GOV BY TUESDAY, AUGUST 15TH
Assistant Editor-in-Chief By requirement of Article VII, Section 2(i) of the Society Constitution, Article III, Sections 4 and 5 of the By Laws and Article VII of the Standing Rules of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, a vacancy is being announced to all active members of the Society in the position of Assistant Editor in Chief of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. This position is salaried – compensation is $300 (three hundred dollars)/month. This position is not a voting position on the Board of Governors. QUALIFICATIONS • The Assistant Editor-in-Chief (EiC) must be an active member of the Society. • Posses or actively pursuing a Juris Doctor from an ABA accredited institution. Those currently pursuing their degree must have successfully completed their 1L year. • Demonstrated skillset to perform the duties as noted below. • Must be capable of editing legal articles using the Bluebook System of Citation. • Must have a basic understanding of Microsoft Word. • Prior Journal experience is preferred, but not required. DUTIES • The Assistant Editor-in-Chief shall assist the Editor-in-Chief in article procurement and selection, editing articles, preparing articles for typesetting, reviewing the typeset copy, and preparing the final copy for print and distribution. Generally this amounts to between 6 to 10 articles per issue. • The Assistant Editor-in-Chief shall also assist the Editor-in-Chief in working with the Journal staff on the layout and publication requirements of the Journal. • The Assistant Editor-in-Chief shall aid the Editor-in-Chief in recruiting, training, and managing a staff of volunteer Article Editors. TERM LENGTH: • This post is an at-will position with a term of three (3) years. Said term is renewable with approval by the Board of Governors without a need for reapplying. SELECTION PROCESS • All applicants must submit a resume qualifications statement. • A personal interview conducted by the Editor-in-Chief is required. • This position will be filled by majority vote of the Board of Governors with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors of the Society. TO APPLY, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT WITH SUBJECT LINE “ASSISTANT EIC APPLICATION” TO: Joshua Schwartz, Executive Director (571) 270-7494 DEADLINE – 5:00PM (Eastern) Friday August 18, 2023 Any questions should be directed to Joshua Schwartz (contact information above)
The PTOS Education Committee invites you to attend: edX Informational Session Presented by Rob Seidner Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 3:30pm ET Please join us to learn what edX has to offer! The PTOS Education Committee will be offering a special discounted rate for our members only for an annual membership to edX. * There is no Other Time available for this event. * If you have questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 273 252 919 528 Passcode: ctZSzo Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 540-566-5633,,27195167# United States, Roanoke Phone Conference ID: 271 951 67# Find a local number | Reset PIN
Join the PTOS Board Game Club for a night of in-person board games KNOX 10TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM AUGUST 2ND 2023 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET ·recurring monthly - 1st Wednesdays· · LIGHT REFRESHMENTS AND SNACKS WILL BE PROVIDED · contact: or
Tuesday · August 8th · 1:00-3:00pm Ice Cream cart will be outside Madison Building on the Dulany Street/Campus side In the event of rain, cart will be located on the lower level of the Madison Atrium Free Ice Cream for PTOS Members! *LIMIT ONE PER MEMBER, WHILE SUPPLIES LAST · PLEASE BRING YOUR PTOS MEMBERSHIP CARD · NEW MEMBER SIGNUP AT THE EVENT FOR EVENT QUESTIONS, CONTACT:
Post-MWRO Picnic Happy Hour Monday, July 24th Approximately 4:00pm—6pm depending on the end of the baseball game Atwater Brewery - 237 Joseph Campau Ave, Detroit, MI 48207 Two free drinks for PTOS members and shared appetizers, while supplies last. Non-members can sign up at the event. For more information about the event contact: Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member Membership questions? Contact Disclaimer: This event is not sponsored, sanctioned, or endorsed by the USPTO. It is not an official USPTO activity, and your participation is voluntary and at your own risk.
Aslin Beer Co Alexandria Happy Hour & Pizza Party · 847 S Pickett St · Alexandria, VA · Friday, July 28, 2023 @ 4:00-7:00 PM two free drink tickets - for PTOS members only · PIZZA WILL BE SERVED · NON-ALCOHOLIC OPTIONS · contact: -or-
When: Thursday, 20 July 2023, 4-6 PM Where: Sushi Confidential 26 N San Pedro San Jose, CA 95113
The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents Continuing Legal Education (CLE): What I Learned from Arguing in the Supreme Court and in 30 Years of Practice: Suggestions for Success as an Associate, as a Partner, and in Life Presented by John Sommer Friday, July 21, 2023 from 3:30-4:30PM ET In Mr. Sommer’s interesting career, from associate at the world’s largest law firm, to a partner, to solo practitioner and ultimately in-house as general counsel and business executive, he has learned many lessons for success. Equally important, he has made and seen mistakes that offer guidance as to what to avoid. Through war stories and thought-provoking comments, he offers insights to success in law, and more importantly, in life. *No other time is authorized for this event* VA CLE credit has been applied for and is currently pending approval. If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at PTOS CLE What I Learned from Arguing in the Supreme Court and in 30 Years of Practice July 21st from 3:30pm-4:40pm Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 256 599 952 788 Passcode: SMUqos Or call in (audio only) +1 540-566-5633,,491430792# United States, Roanoke Phone Conference ID: 491 430 792#
Central Virginia Happy Hour! Come join us at the Glass Half Full Taproom on Friday, July 14 from 5-7! 375 Merchant Walk Square, Charlottesville VA 22902 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Luther for information about this event: Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member Send membership questions to
Join the PTOS Board Game Club for a night of in-person board games KNOX 10TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM JULY 5TH 2023 @ 5:00-8:00 PM ET · LIGHT REFRESHMENTS AND SNACKS WILL BE PROVIDED · contact: or
PTOS presents Boulder Happy Hour When: Tuesday, July 25th from 4-6pm Where: Avanti Boulder, 1401 Pearl Street, Boulder Colorado What: come enjoy the beautiful views of the flatirons with your fellow examiners up to 2 free drinks for a total of up to $12 per member Questions: contact Janice Girouard x5-9131
Central Virginia Happy Hour! Come join us at Pro Re Nata on Friday, June 23 from 5-7! 6135 Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet, VA 22932 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Luther for information about this event: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please do not attend. Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member Send membership questions to
PTOS Florida Social Event: Join us at Top Golf in Orlando, Florida, on International Drive, for food & fun! Saturday, June 24, 2023, 11a-1p - All are invited! Meet, mingle, enjoy - friends and family welcome! - PTOS Members will receive $10 off food or games. RSVPs/Questions: - On day of event, pls email and if you are going or thinking of going to help approximate #. For day of event, please call/message 407-906-7176. Venue info: - Top Golf: 8255 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819, 407-363-0200, - “features an inclusive, high-tech golf game that everyone can enjoy. Paired with outstanding food and beverage menu, climate-controlled hitting bays and music” Hosted by: Hoteling Committee - Contact Co-chairs Luther Behringer and Phillip Bonzell to receive PTOS hoteling event info. - Contact Angela Nguyen, Tatiana Nobrega, Tania Pena-Santana, and Robert Morlan to help plan or receive info about events in Florida. Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member at Send membership questions to
Join us for a coffee break as we ease into the new quarter WHERE: MADISON LOWER ATRIUM JUNE 20TH 2023 @ 9:00-10:00 AM ET · FREE COFFEE (OR TEA) & A SWEET TREAT – FOR PTOS MEMBERS ONLY · WHILE SUPPLIES LAST contact: or *YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR MEMBERSHIP AT THE EVENT.
Join PTOS and your fellow SVRO colleagues at Cooper-Garrod Vineyards When: Friday June 30, 2023 4-5 PM What: PTOS Members receive a free flight of wine tasting and shared appetizers ∙ family friendly outdoor patio ∙ ∙ small appetizer plates available in lieu of wine tasting ∙ Cost to members: $2 RSVP via the reservation system here by June 28th Where: Cooper-Garrod Vineyards at Garrod Farms 22645 Garrod Rd. Saratoga, CA 95070 Contact: ∙ Non-members may sign-up for membership at the event ∙
PTOS Financial Planning and Insurance Talks: Building your future: Saving for retirement How do you envision your retirement? Where will you live? How do you want to spend your time? And perhaps you are asking this very important question: How will you cover your retirement expenses? Although at times it can feel overwhelming, it’s never too early to start thinking about your retirement strategy. We’ll cover: -Risks to your retirement income and why it is important to save -How to jumpstart saving -Strategies to reach your goals Wednesday, 6/28/2023 from 12‐1 p.m. All are invited! Join on your computer or mobile app Or call in (audio only) +1 540-566-5633,,640881861# Phone Conference ID: 640 881 861# Hosted by: Education Committee. For questions, please email Angela Nguyen and Robert Morlan.
BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR A DAY OF OUTDOOR FUN! catered BBQ from brickmakers catering ǀ waterslides, mini-golf & batting cages no alcohol served or allowed within park grounds ǀ veggie burgers available w/ RSVP request ATTENDEES MUST REGISTER BY JUNE 15TH Cost to Members: $4 Cost to Non-members: $6 Cost for children ages 4 and up: $4 (children 3 and under are free) To register visit: eventbrite link All attendees’ names must be provided with their registration, attendees will check-in at the park entrance to receive wristbands for admittance the day of the event. Contact for any questions: or
Research Triangle Park (RTP), NC Happy Hour! Come join us at Boxyard RTP on Friday, June 2, from 11:30 – 1! 900 Park Offices Dr, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Enjoy group appetizers on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Ana for information about this event: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please do not attend.
Pittsburgh, PA Happy Hour! Come join us at The Church Brew Works on Friday, June 2, from 5pm – 7pm! 3525 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15201 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Luther for information about this event: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please do not attend.

PTOS Denver May Happy Hour

Please RSVP at by Monday, May 15th
When: Thursday, May 18 from 6-8 pm

Where: Muse Noraebang 2222 Havana St. Suite D, Aurora, CO 80014

What: 2 hours of karaoke and drinks with friends

POC: Kyle Johnson, Catrina Letterman, Thane Underdahl


TXRO-PTOS Community Day/Picnic at Dave & Buster’s Dallas


Thursday, May 11th, 2023 at 4:00PM CST


***RSVP via email ASAP***


Is there any other-time?

Patent employees are authorized up to two (2) additional hours of non-production time who attend. Your attendance is voluntary, and no travel time is available. Please consult with your immediate supervisor about the time code.



9450 N Central Expy, Dallas, TX 75231


What will be provided?

Food, gameplay cards, and 1 drink will be provided.


What if I’m not a PTOS member?

You can sign up to be a member on the spot or prior to event by emailing!







Questions?  Contact

Membership questions? Contact


Join PTOS for Community Day festivities

Thursday, May 11th from 11:00AM-1:00PM


A raffle will be held for PTOS members only








· Non-members can sign up for membership prior to the raffle ·


Happy Hour @ Andrews On the Corner to follow


·201 Joseph Campau St, Detroit, MI 48207 ·


All are welcome to attend!


Two free drinks for PTOS members & shared appetizers, while supplies last.


Non-members can sign up for membership at the event.



Notice of Vacancy

JPTOS Board of Governors


Pursuant to Article VII, Section 2(k) of the Constitution of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, a vacancy on the Board of Governors of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society is hereby announced to all active members for the position of Governor.


Term for Governor would last for full three (3) years.


The position requires attendance (in-person or via teleconference) at monthly meetings to direct business matters of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society including publishing, advertising, staffing, and editorial content.


All those interested in this position should obtain a

Governor Application Form from Ryan Clark or (408) 918-7606


Application packages must include: (1) a completed Governor Application Form, (2) a statement of qualifications for the position and/or résumé, and (3) a statement of interest in the position. 


The application deadline is 5:00 PM on Friday May 26th, 2023


PlantHouse - DIY Bonsai Planting Party
· 921 N St Asaph St · Alexandria, VA ·
Thursday, May 25, 2023 @ 6:30-8:00 PM
$35.00 a ticket - includes all planting supplies
· planter may be upgraded @ the event ·
free parking in deck @ 1st St (between St. Asaph and Pitt)
· no refunds - refreshments available for purchase ·

Space is Limited - Purchase Ticket Here
contact: Jessica Arble -or- Shelby Turner


· 540 John Carlyle St · ALEXANDRIA, VA ·

MONDAY, MAY O8, 2023 @ 4:00-6:00 PM

two free drink tickets - for PTOS members only

contact: -or-



PTOS presents Community Day Lunch

When: Thursday, May 11th at noon MT

Where: 14th Floor training room at Rocky Mountain Regional Office in the Byron Rogers Federal Building (1961 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80294)

What: Sandwiches, chips, and drinks and raffle at 12:30 pm for PTOS members

RSVP by May 9th to guarantee food

RSVP link:


Remember the old days when you would

get together with coworkers for a taco and beer?


Let’s do it again.


Join PTOS at FAB (a six-minute walk from the office)

· 110 Paseo De San Antonio San Jose, CA 95112 ·

Outdoor Patio Seating


April 27th 2023 @ 4:00-6:00 PM PT


· one drink and one taco per member ·

·shared appetizers will also be provided to members ·


Please RSVP to Brent.Fairbanks@USPTO.GOV by 26 April 2023.



*you can sign up for membership at the event.


The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents:


Recent Federal Circuit and Supreme Court Decisions:

A Brief Update on What is Going on in Patent Law

Meredith Schoenfeld, Office of the Solicitor

May 9, 2023 from 2-3pm ET


Please join us as we welcome Meredith Schoenfeld, from the Office of the Solicitor, who is presenting a CLE for us entitled, “Recent Supreme Court and Federal Circuit Cases: A Brief Update on What is Going on in Patent Law.”


One hour of Virginia CLE credit has been applied for.


If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at

* There is no Other Time available for this event. *



Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 264 256 585 533
Passcode: FtyiTM

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,236161874#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 236 161 874#

Find a local number | Reset PIN


TXRO-PTOS April Happy Hour 


Thursday, April 13th, 2023 at 5:30PM CST


***RSVP via email ASAP***




5100 Belt Line Rd #410, Addison, TX 75254


How much is sponsored by the PTOS?

Up to $20 per person



5:30 PM CST


Questions?  Contact


PTOS Denver Happy Hour & Trivia

When: Wednesday, April 19th from 6:30–8:30 pm

Where: Stoney's Uptown 1035 E 17th Ave, Denver, CO 80218

What: Eat and drink with members and trivia too!  All you can eat wings are available for purchase.

POC: Rachelle Reichert


Charlottesville, VA Happy Hour!


Come join us at Random Row Brewing Co. on Friday, April 14, from 5-7!



608 Preston Ave # A, Charlottesville, VA 22903


Enjoy a beverage on PTOS!


Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Luther for information about this event:


An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please do not attend.


This event is not sponsored, sanctioned, or endorsed by the USPTO.  It is not an official USPTO activity, and your participation is voluntary and at your own risk.



· 301 John Carlyle St, Alexandria, VA 22314 ·
MARCH 30TH 2023 @ 4:00-6:00 PM ET





contact: or



PTOS Members Night

(PTOS Members age 21 and over ONLY)
Monday, April 17th, 2023 4:00-7:00PM

@ The Clara Barton Auditorium

600 Dulany Street

Alexandria, VA 22314

(Parking at the USPTO Alexandria Campus)

USPTO Alexandria Campus Map
Appetizers, Entrees and Desserts provided
Free Casino Play Provided

Must be a PTOS member to attend, bring your PTOS ID with barcode for fast entrance (otherwise USPTO Badge or Driver’s License). Membership forms will be available at the door, a completed membership form will permit entrance into the event.  Every member that attends will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win prizes. Must be present to win.

* Direct any questions to or


Disclaimer: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. Members assume the risk when attending this event.  If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please skip this event.


The PTOS Education Committee proudly presents:



Great Communication Techniques for Lawyers


Please join us Wednesday, March 29  from 2-4pm ET for an interactive workshop which teaches attendees how to listen better, think more quickly on one’s feet, improve confidence and the importance of non-verbal communication.  


Sharon Geller, a comedic actress who has appeared on Saturday Night Live 4 times, will be our presenter.  She has been teaching IMPROV FOR LAWYERS, a course she created at the Thomas R. Kline School of Law at Drexel University, since 2009. Sharon teaches people how to think more quickly on their feet, listen better, be more confident, think outside of the box and support their team-players. Her clients include the ABA, PBI, PBA, DRI, and Women in the Profession as well as Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Pharmaceuticals and Berkshire Hathaway Realtors.


Two hours of Virginia CLE credit has been applied for.


If you have any questions, please contact Cathy at or Anne at

* There is no Other Time available for this event. *


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Arbitration

March 29, 2023 from 2:00PM–4:00PM ET

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 261 936 692 039
Passcode: JHomgB

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,567452363#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 567 452 363#

Find a local number | Reset PIN


PTOS Annual Meeting Interview with Scott Jordan






Scott Jordan co-founded SCOTTeVEST in the year 2000 with his wife, Laura. Scott remains intimately involved in every aspect of the business from engineering the perfect pocket, overseeing the entire customer experience, maintaining/establishing relationships with factories and vendors to the "big picture" fun stuff, like determining the future of the company. You can watch the full interview with Scott and also watch Scott on Season 3, Episode 11 of ABC's Shark Tank with the links provided below.


Link to the 2023 Annual Meeting Speaker interview: PTOS Interview with Scott Jordan.mp4

Questions for Scott? – PTOS Members can e-mail him:

Members can also download for free Scott’s Book “Pocket Man: The Unauthorized Autobiography of a Passionate, Personal Promoter”: 

Link to Scott’s Shark Tank episode:

To purchase an official copy of Scott’s book:

 Note: Scott’s book and full Shark Tank episode must be downloaded/viewed from an external computer.



St Augustine, FL Distillery Tour and Happy Hour!


Come join us at St Augustine Distillery on Saturday, April 1 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm!




112 Riberia St, St Augustine Fl 32084


You can take a self-guided tour of the distillery and enjoy a beverage on PTOS!


Non-members can sign up for membership at the event.


Contact Tatiana for information about this event:




An inherent risk of exposure to COVID‐19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot

guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID‐19. If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please do not attend.


This event is not sponsored, sanctioned, or endorsed by the USPTO. It is not an official USPTO activity, and your participation is voluntary and at your own risk.



PTOS Denver Happy Hour

When: Tuesday, March 14 from 5-7 pm

Where: Mobcraft Beer Denver, 2403 Champa St, Denver, CO 80205

What: Eat and drink with members, board games and trivia too!

POC: Allison Bourke



Patent and Trademark Office Society

2023 Science Fair Judges (In-Person)

For regional science and engineering fairs


Fields for judging include:





Environmental Sci.

Earth & Space Sciences

Health & Medicine

Computer Science



Location, Date,   Time

Arlington County Virginia Regional Fair Sat., March 4th 9:30am-noon Arlington, VA (Wakefield HS)


Fairfax County Virginia Regional Fair   Sat., March 18th        8:30am-noon

Fairfax, VA (Robinson HS)


P.G. County Maryland Science Fair       Sat., March 18th        8:30am-noon

Springdale, MD (Charles Herbert Flowers HS)



If Interested, please RSVP with:

Brian Slawski (Arlington)         x03855

Pinping Sun (Fairfax)            x01284

Gary Benzion (PG)               x20782




Anyone qualified in the above areas, including Spouses & Friends, are invited to judge

(NOTE: No "other time" granted for participation)


PTOS Membership questions? Contact


JPTOS JOB ANNOUNCEMENT- Digital Content Manager

Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society

PO BOX 2600



Digital Content Manager


By requirement of Article VII, Section 2(i) of the Society Constitution, Article III, Sections 4 and 5 of the By Laws and Article VII of the Standing Rules of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, a vacancy is announced to all active members of the Society for the position of Digital Content Manager of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society.


This position is salaried – compensation is $300 (three hundred dollars)/month.  This position is not a voting position on the Board of Governors.


•           The Digital Content Manager is responsible for supporting the Executive Director and Editor-In-Chief with generating content pertaining to developments in intellectual property, including but not limited to copyrights, patents and trademarks.

•           The Digital Content Manager is responsible for supporting the Executive Director and Editor-In-Chief with curating/developing and maintaining the content on the JPTOS Website.



•           The Digital Content Manager must be an active member of the Society.

•           Demonstrated skill set to perform the duties as noted below.

•           Experience managing a blog or experience with a law journal is preferred.

•           Candidate preferably possesses two (2) years of full or part-time experience in web-development or website support, though a degree in Computer Science, Web-Design, or digital publishing, with relevant coursework can serve as a substitute.

•           Familiarity with Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) is preferred.

•           Familiarity with content management systems and basic understanding of HTML/CSS preferred.





•           The Digital Content Manager will assist with coordinating the writings of other authors at and ensure that the writing complies with the USPTO's Official Communications Policy.

•           The Digital Content Manager is responsible for supporting the Executive Director and Editor-In-Chief with curating/developing and maintaining the content on the JPTOS social media accounts

•           The Digital Content Manager may recruit qualified volunteer authors in order to maintaining an active blog with regular posts. (including but not limited to analysis of and commentary on cases and briefs and relevant developments in intellectual property.)



•           This post is an at-will position with a term of three (3) years. Said term is renewable with approval by the Board of Governors without a need for reapplying.



•           All applicants must submit a résumé and qualifications statement.

•           A personal interview conducted by the Board of Governors may be required.

•           This position will be filled by majority vote of the Board of Governors with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors of the Society.





Joshua Schwartz ( 571-270-7494


DEADLINE -- 5:00 PM on March 15, 2023


TXRO-PTOS March Lunch 


Friday, March 3rd, 2023 at 12:30PM CST


***RSVP via email ASAP***



Salsa Limon

411 North Akard Street

Dallas, TX 75201


How much is sponsored by the PTOS?

Up to $20 per person



12:30 PM CST


Where should I park?

Street parking is the best (don’t forget to pay at the meter)


Questions?  Contact

Membership questions? Contact



Patent and Trademark Office Society
2023 Science Fair Judges (In-Person)
For regional science and engineering fairs

Fields for judging include:
Environmental Sci.
Earth & Space Sciences
Health & Medicine
Computer Science

Location, Date,   Time      
Arlington County Virginia Regional Fair Sat., March 4th 9:30am-noon
Arlington, VA (Wakefield HS)

Fairfax County Virginia Regional Fair Sat., March 18th 8:30am-noon
Fairfax, VA (Robinson HS)

P.G. County Maryland Science Fair Sat., March 18th  8:30am-noon
Springdale, MD (Charles Herbert Flowers HS)

If Interested, please RSVP with:
Brian Slawski (Arlington)  x03855
Pinping Sun (Fairfax)       x01284
Gary Benzion (PG)       x20782


Anyone qualified in the above areas, including Spouses & Friends, are invited to judge
(NOTE: No "other time" granted for participation)

PTOS Membership questions? Contact


Patent and Trademark Office Society

Annual Meeting

February 23, 2023

2:00 p.m. EST


Scott Jordan

Scott Jordan co-founded SCOTTeVEST in the year 2000 with his wife, Laura. Scott remains intimately involved in every aspect of the business from engineering the perfect pocket, overseeing the entire customer experience, maintaining/establishing relationships with factories and vendors to the "big picture" fun stuff, like determining the future of the company. You can watch Scott on Season 3, Episode 11 of ABC's Shark Tank.

Webex link to be sent out prior to the meeting.

PTOS Members: One hour of other time (with supervisor approval) for attending may be charged to:

Patent employees: PNCSPA-0000-090241

Non-Patent employees: AVEORG-0065-A00151


PTOS Members in Central Florida! 



The PTOS is interested in organizing events in the

Jacksonville, Orlando, St Augustine, Daytona and surrounding areas

Interested PTOS members please contact: Tatiana.Nobrega@USPTO.GOV

For questions about membership contact:


PTOS Financial Planning and Insurance Talks


Exploring your options for Social Security?


Understanding your options for Social Security can be confusing and overwhelming.

Whether you may retire soon or are just beginning to think about it, this workshop will help you explore your options, including:

-Things to consider before collecting Social Security benefits

-An introduction to Social Security

-Claiming strategies



Thursday, 2/15/2023 from 12‐1 p.m.

All are invited!


Join on your computer or mobile app


Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,, 40090240#

Phone Conference ID: 400 902 40#




Hosted by: Education Committee.

For questions, please email Angela Nguyen and Robert Morlan.


Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member


Send membership questions to


Dear PTOS Membership:


Following are the results of the 2023 PTOS Election. 


2023 PTOS Election Results


Constitutional Amendments:

Article V, Section 2: PASSED

Article IX, Section 4: PASSED

Article IX, Section 5: PASSED




Rebecca Eisenberg

Vice President

David Lotter


Ryan Clark


Luther Behringer


Matthew Troutman


HQ / Shirlington / Hoteling Representatives


TC 1600 (2)

Lynn Bristol, Rayna Rodriguez

TC 1700/2900 (2)

Brandon Rosati, Holly Thurman

TC 2100 (2)

Maria Ayad, Kevin Lu

TC 2400 (2)

William Kim, Angela Nguyen

TC 2600 (2)

Neil McLean, Tsung-Yin Tsai

TC 2800 (2)

Joshua Schwartz, Leah Rosenberg

TC 3600 (2)

Catherine Loikith, Jeffrey O’Brien

TC 3700 (2)

Anne Kozak, Keith Raymond


Rex Rooker

Trademarks (2)

Cheryl Butler, Monique Watts

Director’s Office / PTAB /  Policy and International Affairs (1)

Nyeemah Grazier

OPLA/OPQA/Others (1)

Fred Guillermety


Regional Representatives


MWRO (Detroit)

William Monticello

RMRO (Denver)

Allison Bourke

TXRO (Dallas)

Neel Patel

SVRO (San Jose)

Brent Fairbanks


At Large Representatives


Jessica Arble, Philip Bonzell, Alex DeVito, Ryan Donlon, Katie Gerth, Rachel Highland, Kang Hu, Razu Miah, Anna Pagonakis, Shelby Turner



Alexandria – PTOS HAPPY HOUR – Feb 10th



Friday Feb 10, 2023 at 5:00-6:30

Joe Theismann’s located at 1800 Diagonal Rd



All PTOS members will receive ONE ticket that can be exchanged for ONE happy hour menu (excluding the crab nachos).

Please check-in with the Social Committee representative, the one behind a computer, when you enter. You will be given a ticket at checkin.


Joe Theismann’s full happy hour menu.





Non-duty time

No other timer permitted for this event.

*Non-Members can sign up for membership at the event


Disclaimer: This event is not sponsored, sanctioned, or endorsed by the USPTO.  It is not an official USPTO activity, and your participation is voluntary and at your own risk.

Disclaimer: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. Members assume the risk when attending this event.  If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please skip this event. 

PTOS - DETROIT Detroit Roller Derby Home Team Championship and Alumni Game SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2023, 5:00pm Masonic Temple 500 Temple St., Detroit, MI 48201 PTOS member price: $5 per ticket Each member is allowed a maximum of two tickets. DEADLINE TO ORDER TICKETS: WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8th. Questions about this event: Learn about the Patent and Trademark Office Society and become a member Membership questions? Contact
Charlottesville, VA February Happy Hour! Come join us at Jack Brown’s on Friday, February 3, from 5-7! 109 2nd St SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Enjoy a beverage on PTOS! Non‐members can sign up for membership at the event. Contact Luther for information about this event: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please do not attend. This event is not sponsored, sanctioned, or endorsed by the USPTO. It is not an official USPTO activity, and your participation is voluntary and at your own risk.

PTOS Education Committee presents:

PTOS Discussion Series: AI-Driven Innovation

February 8, 2023 from 4-5pm ET


Join your fellow PTOS members to discuss your thoughts on AI-driven innovations, AI inventorship, and Unanticipated IP challenges from AI-driven innovations.  If you would like to learn more about these topics prior to the PTOS discussion, register for free and tune in to the USPTO programming from noon-4PM ET (11:00AM-3:00PM CST).

USPTO AI/ET Partnership event: AI/ET Partnership Series #3: AI-driven innovation | USPTO


If you have questions, please contact Stephen at Stephen.Yanchuk@USPTO.GOV or Cathy at


  • No other time has been authorized for this event.
  • Participation is considered “off-duty” time.


Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 247 646 849 279
Passcode: 2CfPAT

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+1 540-566-5633,,5295296#   United States, Roanoke

Phone Conference ID: 529 529 6#

Find a local number | Reset PIN

Learn More | Meeting options | Legal



PTOS Spring Wine Events & Wine Package Ordering

Join us and connect with your fellow PTOS members through virtual wine events!

No purchase necessary to attend these free virtual wine events. 

Each event includes a brief presentation on the climate, history, geography, and culture of a different wine region and a guided virtual wine tasting. 

Information on the optional purchase of wine bottles to accompany each event can be found below.


Wine Events Dates:

February 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET: Napa Valley - Cabernet Sauvignon

March 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET: Champagne

April 13, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET: Tuscany - Sangiovese 

May 11, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET: Savennieres - Chenin Blanc


Wine Package Ordering:

The Spring wine package includes four wine bottles offered a rate subsidized by PTOS.  Each of these bottles will corresponds to a virtual wine event.  Purchase is not necessary to attend these free events for PTOS and friends. 

Limit one package per member.  Only 50 packages will be made available.

The last day for package purchases is COB on Monday Jan 23, 2023.

Cost to members is $126.

Link to Order Wine Package:



More Details…

The virtual wine events will be hosted by Stephen Yanchuk and Beth Dahlburg, examiners and members of PTOS.  Stephen and Beth have lead virtual wine events with members since 2018 and are both certified wine specialists.

It is free to attend the virtual wine events!

Participation in the monthly virtual wine events is highly encouraged.  The invitation to join each event will include serving and pairing suggestions to bring your wine exploration to the next level.


February 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET: Napa Valley - Cabernet Sauvignon

“Littlefoot’s Great Valley”

     Littlefoot and his rag tag team of youthful Dinos set out for the greener pastures of ‘The Great Valley’ in the 1988 smash hit ‘The Land Before Time’. Just as their journey made them into heroes, so too are those who set out to vinify the Napa Valley, California! With over FIFTY of the world’s best wine growing soils concentrated in one valley, we get a unique opportunity to explore the effect of terroir on the world renowned cabernet sauvignon grape.

     We will virtually connect to discuss the climate, soil, and history of the Napa Valley region with a focus on the Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety. The accompanying bottle is considered an “NDA” bottle.

Package Wine: 

2020 Echoes in the Canyon Red Wine Oakville Napa Valley - $30


March 23, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET: Champagne

“Champagne, it’s not just for breakfast anymore”

     Beth and I road tripped for five days from Les Riceys to Reims exploring the countryside of Champagne, France and we can't wait to share our experiences. From big houses to grower-producers, there's a lot to discover. Not only is Champagne perfect for celebration, but it can pair with virtually any food. Our favorite? With fried potatoes of course.

     We will virtually connect to discuss the climate, soil, and history of the Champagne region with a focus on the grower-producers of the region. There's always a reason to celebrate and we can’t wait to see you there. 

Package Wine:

NV Pierre Moncuit Delos Grand Cru Brut Champagne - $49


April 13, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET: Tuscany - Sangiovese 

“Basking in the Tuscan Sun Eating Fava Beans”

     What better way to dream of an Italian vacation than to smell, swirl, and savor the flavors of Chianti Classico from the Tuscany region of Italy?  The Sangiovese grape ripens beautifully in the bright sun of this central Italian region, which has a rich history of more than 300 years.  There is much to learn about what makes this territory so special and worth protecting.

     We will virtually connect to discuss the climate, soil, and history of the Tuscan Chianti region with a focus on the Sangiovese grape variety.   Join us to learn more about what puts the classic in Chianti Classico. 

Package Wine:

2016 Canonica a Cerreto Chianti Classico Riserva Tuscany - $25


May 11, 2023 at 7:30 PM ET: Savennieres - Chenin Blanc

“Quite Possibly the Best White Wine in the World”

     We discovered this region when the pandemic was in full swing and our wine studies were the only way we could travel. Beth and I had been reading about the Loire Valley in France and their famous Chenin Blanc when we came across a wine writer describing the Savennieres region with such vivid detail that we had to find a bottle. Chenin Blanc from Savennieres truly wowed us! It is a wonderful treat to be able to discover a bottle that we can ship to everyone. 

     We will virtually connect to discuss the climate, soil, and history of the Loire Valley with a focus on the Chenin Blanc grape variety. Find out why Chenin Blanc from Savennieres is a cult classic among wine professionals. 

Package Wine:

2018 Domaine FL Le Parc Savennieres - $46



  1. NO other time is provided for this event
  2. Participation is considered “off duty” time


For Questions: Stephen.Yanchuk@USPTO.Gov Subject “Wine”



Washington Capitals v. St. Louis Blues


Friday, March 17, 2023 at 7:00 PM


Cost: $90 per game ticket

& pass for Devils Backbone Lounge for BBQ & Beer

Ticket valid for an entrée & side item from Devils Backbone Lounge’s food stand

Unlimited beer, wine, & soft drinks within Devils Backbone Lounge*

(*through the end of 2nd intermission)



purchase tickets here


contact: – or -