
Notice of Vacancy JPTOS Board of Governors


Patent and Trademark Office Society



Notice of Vacancy

JPTOS Board of Governors


Pursuant to Article VII, Section 2(k) of the Constitution of the Patent and Trademark Office Society, a vacancy on the Board of Governors of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society is hereby announced to all active members for the position of Governor.


Term for Governor would last for full three (3) years.


The position requires attendance (in-person or via teleconference) at monthly meetings to direct business matters of the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society including publishing, advertising, staffing, and editorial content.


All those interested in this position should obtain a

Governor Application Form from Ryan Clark



Application packages must include: (1) a completed Governor Application Form, (2) a statement of qualifications for the position and/or résumé, and (3) a statement of interest in the position. 


The application deadline is 12:00 PM ET on Thursday August 11th, 2022 or (408) 918-7606