**DENVER** Haunted Field of Screams Corn Maze
What: Haunted Field of Screams Corn Maze
When: Oct. 22nd, at approximately 8pm (based on availability)
Location: 10451 McKay Rd., Thornton, CO 80229
Cost: $5 Members, $45 Non-members
Register by: Oct. 8th
Questions? Contact Amanda Covington (AMANDA.COVINGTON@USPTO.GOV OR x7-4604) or Holly Thurman (HOLLY.THURMAN@USPTO.GOV or x2-8068)
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Disclaimer: This event is not sponsored, sanctioned, or endorsed by the USPTO. It is not an official USPTO activity, and your participation is voluntary and at your own risk.
Disclaimer: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. Members assume the risk when attending this event. If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please skip this event.