
PTOS Members Night


PTOS Members Night
(PTOS Members age 21 and over ONLY)
Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 5:00-8:00PM
@ The Garden
5380 Eisenhower Avenue, C
Alexandria, VA 22304
Appetizers 5:00pm; Entrees 6:00pm; 6:15pm Desserts
Free Casino Play Provided
Must be a PTOS member to attend, bring your PTOS ID with barcode for fast entrance (otherwise USPTO Badge or Driver’s License). Membership forms will be available at the door, a completed membership form will permit entrance into the event.  Every member that attends will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win prizes. Must be present to win.
* Direct any questions to or

Disclaimer: An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in all public places. PTOS cannot guarantee members that they will not be unknowingly exposed to COVID-19. Members assume the risk when attending this event.  If you, or anyone you have been in close contact with, have experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, chills, loss of sense of smell or taste, sore throat, shortness of breath, or muscle aches & pains within 14 days of the event, please skip this event.