
Share your experience for Women’s History Month


The PTOS Education Committee is hosting a panel for Women’s History Month and we need you!


March is Women’s History Month and we’d like to highlight experiences of PTOS women from various BUs, managerial and non-managerial positions, who are caregivers of children and parents, and have a range of years of tenure.


Perhaps you’re juggling caregiving and career and want to reassure other caregivers to hang-in there. Or maybe you’re a first-time SPE or manager learning to handle the squeeze of upward and downward forces. On the flipside, maybe you’re a seasoned USPTO employee taking steps to build a legacy before retirement and would like to share milestones that made your career great.


One thing’s for sure, you know how important it is to cheer on other women. And you’re willing to share your stories of “been there and done that (and made it through to the other side).”


Sound like you?  Great!


We need 4-5 women willing to share their experiences based on one or more criteria:


  • 20+ years of service at USPTO (or combined Federal service)
  • Less than 3 years of service at USPTO
  • Caregiver to children
  • Caregiver to parents
  • Caregiver to both children and parents
  • First year SPE or manager
  • 10+ years SPE or manager experience


If you’d like to share your experiences with others or know a woman who’d be great for the panel, and meets one or more criteria, apply here. Deadline to apply is February 16th.


The panel will take place on Tuesday, March 26 at 1pm ET.

There is no Other Time offered for attending this event or for participating in this event.


If you have any questions, reach out to Amber Beam from the PTOS Education Committee for more information.