
Intellectual Property Litigation Lecture


Legislative Committee of the Patents & Trademarks Office Society is pleased to invite you to an exciting topic on Intellectual Property Litigation

ITC: A Faster Alternative to District Court Litigation for Resolving IP Disputes

By: The Honorable Theodore R. Essex
Administrative Law Judge
United States International Trade Commission

June 13th, 2011
11:00 AM- 12:00 Noon
Jefferson Conference Center 1D-70

IP litigants are beginning to turn to ITC is resolving patent disputes faster. In addition to a speedier resolution (referred to as “alternative rocket docket”) this route has other advantages.

Honorable Judge Essex will present an overview of Intellectual Property (IP) litigation at the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC). This shall enable the audience to contrast litigation before ITC vis-à-vis district court and conclude why IP litigants may choose one venue over another.

For further information, please contact James R. Marandi, 571-270-1843 or

No other time is given
