
PTOS Financial & Insurance Talk #4


Updated: Location/Date/Time Change (*Event was rescheduled from July 18 to July 27 and finally to 8/22.)

PTOS Financial & Insurance Talk #4:  ResponsAbility & PTOS hosts “Learn about 529 ABLE savings plans for disability-related expenses




Tues., Aug. 22, from 12-1 PM       (*Event was rescheduled from July 18 to July 27 and finally to 8/22.)

Randolph Conference Center

Web-ex: https://goo.gl/DHNfmZ


Do you have a disability or care for someone with a disability? Want to learn more about a powerful new investment vehicle to help families and individuals pay for disability-related expenses? On Aug. 22, from 12-1 PM, a representative from Virginia’s ABLEnow program will give a presentation on 529 ABLE accounts. These accounts provide tax-free earnings that qualified people with disabilities can use to pay for short- and long-term disability needs. They work similarly to 529 college savings accounts.


In addition to helping you save, money put toward 529 Able accounts does not count toward the savings and assets ceiling that Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income requires. Funds can be used for a range of needs such as housing (including mortgage payments), health care, transportation, and education. The accounts are made possible by the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act signed into law in 2014.


The hour-long event will be held in the Randolph Conference Center and online, via WebEx (https://goo.gl/DHNfmZ). Before you go, visit the ABLE National Resource Center so you can come prepared with your questions. Also, read “A Closer Look at 529 Able Accounts” in the New York Times.


This event is sponsored by ResponsAbility, the USPTO’s affinity group for disability awareness and action and the Patent and Trademark Office Society (PTOS) and is part of the PTOS financial seminar series. For more information, contact Alex Camarota or Angela Nguyen.


Light refreshments will be provided.


Hope to see you there!





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